


4 years, 21 days ago




"It is because of you that people suffer."

As the sole inheritor of the Roseship family title, Antho had always been regarded with caution. From the wealthiest aristocrats to the lowliest commoners, not a single person was spared of the wicked story Antho's family lineage had left for the kingdom. Even the youngest of children knew about their atrocious tale as entertainers would gladly spread the story in the most dramatic fashion- and yet, Antho's mother was nothing short of how the rumours described her. Despite these shortcomings, Antho was the perfect, obedient child her mother had wanted- or, so her mother thought.

On a particular night, over an insidious banquet, Antho silently watched the glass of wine slip out from her mother's grasp, shattering into brilliant sparks of glass. Alas, the kingdom was free from the fear her ancestors had constantly inflicted for decades upon decades.


Name Antho
Age 15
Gender F
Birthday May 14
Title Duchess Roseship
Affilation Roseship Manor

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  • During Magocina's annual skill evaluation, Antho ranked top 3 out of the entire academy.
  • Donec sagittis erat vel quam porta faucibu.
  • Ut lobortis ornare fermentum
  • Vivamus eros magna, euismod quis augue non, tempor ultricies massa

Design Notes

  • The flower on her right eye is optional, but preferred.
  • Feel free to draw her with gore, but nothing excessive please!
  • She usually wears a solemn expression.
  • The skeleton pattern on her fur is also optional.


Ability: Should the Rose Petals Fall
A powerful, offensive ability that allows Antho to manipulate her own blood, creating razor-sharp petals that are infused with her blood. Not only do they seek out the target with appaling speed and precision, but they also retain a mesmerizing beauty that can potentialy trick targets with low mental defences into becoming fully captivated by their presence. However, this ability can require a long recovery time depending on the amount of depleted blood. The Roseship family has long since mastered the ability to an appaling degree where they are even able to assume control over other people's blood as well... Due to this, many tend to swerve sharply away from Antho should they ever meet her.

A Deadly Lineage
The Roseship family was infamous for their nefarious use of forbidden magic. The family lineage had a daunting number of powerful magic wielders, and rumour has it the Roseship family slowly became compelling after spending thousands of years under the fragrance of roses, each generation being only stronger than the last- and much more malicious. Duchess Roseship, Antho's mother, ruled as the head of this family before she was assassinated. Her mother in particular, committed the most atrocious and inhumane crimes ever recorded in her family. Not even Fantanisa and Magocina managed to suppress her, and this bestowed fear among the kingdom.

Immortal, Yet Mortal
Antho's mother abruptly vanished one day and nobody was certain on what happened to her. Some believe she was finally struck down by Fantanisa, while others were simply overjoyed that the kingdom was free of her prescense. Little did anyone expect that the heiress of the family's wicked legacy was the one who put her family's mutiny to an end- and almost died while doing so.

The Girl Covered in Blood
After donating a large portion of the money her family had to an orphanage, Antho felt a deep cut form where her throat was. If she hadn't thought to use the roses her family grew to stop the sudden bleeding, then Antho would've died. After realizing that her mother must've cursed her to bleed to death whenever she attempted to do a good deed, Antho always kept a rose garland around her neck. Like her ancestors, she was able to gain energy from the scent of roses, and through this, she managed to minimize the amount of blood she lost each time the curse came into effect. Nevertheless, Antho still smiles through the pain, trying to make amends for her family's crimes.

Roses were Red
Even though Antho tries her best not to stand out in the streets, people recognizes her easily as the heiress of the Roseship family due to the strong fragrance of roses from her garland. Roses used to be a popular flower selection, but after the rise of Antho's family, all flower shops cease to sell them. They are even seen as a bad omen, as people believe that coming in contact with them will cause their humanity to be slowly drained away until they are nothing better than the Roseship family themselves.


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