Han Seo-Jun (Wilde)



4 years, 6 days ago


A possessed human who performs hits for the underground. Korean | Gay | He/him | 5'8

As an orphan in Korea, Wilde was always unruly. He very quickly cycled through the foster system because of his misbehavior, hopping rapidly from place to place and earning himself a reputation along the way; a reputation which eventually landed him without a place to call home. When he was thirteen, he joined an unorganized street gang, where he learned the art of thievery and how to pick pockets, and earned his nickname from his peers because of his ill-mannered tongue and purely impulsive nature. He quickly stopped using his legal name, and went exclusively by this moniker. He built his reputation over the next year, pulling small robberies and being instrumental in other thefts of property. This caught the attention of Tashiro Hisato, known only to others as Shiro, a travelling member of a Yakuza family who saw himself in the misguided child and quickly befriended him through caring for him and offering to teach him Japanese, then English. He quickly became a father figure to Wilde, and tried his very best to steer him in the right direction, despite being unable to lead by example. Despite his efforts, though, he couldn't stop Wilde from joining a local crime ring of thieves, who approached him with offers of recruitment. With nothing tying him to his street gang besides camaraderie, Wilde saw this as a golden opportunity and accepted.  

He stayed with this gang as it grew and took on more reputable heists, stealing from more and more powerful human figures until they got involved with demons—hiring or stealing from them, too. Learning about this new kind of threat immersed Wilde in demonology out of necessity, but it also allowed him to get friendly with low-class demons also involved in crime. He worked his way up the ranks in the guild over the next five years, and as he did so, he became more entangled in criminal activity, as well as gaining the mutual respect of the thief guild's leader, a demon known as The Dennizenn, who Wilde nicknamed Denn as they became friendlier. Wilde's admiration for him turned quickly into infatuation, and then love, but it was painfully unrequited, despite Denn taking the opportunity to make it a physical relationship. But that was all it was to him, and despite Wilde knowing as much, he longed for that sense of connection with him. Their rocky "relationship" damaged their friendship, but brought them closer, anyway, and with that closeness, one evening Denn finally revealed that he had been planning something big for several years now—and when Wilde was nineteen, he was added to the chosen few who knew exactly what.

Denn wanted to gain access to Mammon's library and steal an artifact named Yesha, a conscious demon whose essence is permanently reformed into a sword fashioned to destroy the essence of other demons. This would, supposedly, give Denn a way to kill other demons without suffering the same fate himself as a cosmic penalty. Wilde pridefully thinks they can pull it off with the right plan, and as he goes to share his confidence with his father, he finds that his father is gone—packed up and disappeared, without a trace or so much as a goodbye. This hurts Wilde more than he admitted at the time, but he chooses to channel those painful feelings into the heist. To show his father that he abandoned someone who was about to do the impossible.

And they did. Almost.

They made it out with the sword, but as soon as word of their thievery reached Mammon's ear, he hunted them down to pay them a personal visit. They spent a few days with Yesha, which was enough time to find out that it cannot be wielded without making a contract with the demon inside. Quickly after discovering this, Mammon appeared and began laying waste to every member of the gang that was present. Wilde, eager to save his friends and not let their hard work go to waste, made the contract in haste but was only able to escape with his own life. Helplessly, he watched his closest friends be ripped to pieces and consumed; including the man he loved. Mammon continued his rampage for weeks, until the entire gang and all its members were wiped out by his hand. But he wasn't done—not until Yesha was back in his library. Fortunately for Wilde, his lack of a legal footprint or familial ties to track made him very difficult to find once he went into hiding.

Wilde was utterly devastated, having to watch his world crash down around him without any sense of control and watch as more people he had come to care deeply for be ripped out of his life. He was completely alone again—and this incredible grief tore through him, washing him over with intense emotions he didn't know how to confront alone. Some days, he wept from the moment he awoke to when he finally exhausted himself into sleep, and others, he stared at his bedroom walls, unable to feel anything at all. And his sleep was fitful at best, tossing and turning as nightmares haunted him of what he saw, and what he feared would happen to him if he was ever found. These crashing waves calmed over the next two years, in which he meticulously erased every record of himself that still resided in his hometown purely out of fear, but it was an uphill battle to finally get himself to stand again on his own two feet. And when his legs could finally support the new weight he bore on his shoulders, he realized that despite his best efforts, any day now, he'd be next. And he needed a plan.

With nothing left to lose, Wilde spent all the money he had to his name fleeing the country, to America. Here, he felt a little more comfortable getting re-invested in what he knew best: crime. But he was fully aware that he was a ticking time bomb; that he traded his body and future to be lended Yesha's power, and that one day Yesha would completely eclipse his soul and possess his body for its own reclamation of autonomy, and then he'd be gone, with nobody to remember him. Having already lost those he'd like to be remembered by, he found it hard to care about that inescapable fate at the time. Instead, he weaponized Yesha, and became a hitman for the underground to avoid making ties with any organization that could be easily tracked.

At 23, Wilde maintains a low profile but his work is lucrative. However, he still refuses to work for or target upper-class demons out of fear of being discovered by Mammon. During a random hit, he finds himself sneaking into an infamous underground fighting ring to pursue his target—and its there that he meets Himura Kyoyo, the director of said ring. Wilde's nerves are evident, seeing as he came to cause problems for Kyoyo, but is met with a friendliness that eases him into an acquaintanceship. After Wilde enters the ring as an anonymous fighter with Yesha in hand to finish the job he came to complete, Kyoyo takes an interest in him, and surprises Wilde by inviting him for drinks; they click, and there's a spark that blossoms into a relationship over the next year. 

Before, Wilde had no reason to try and change his fate. But now, he had someone to live for, something to look forward to—and as he shares his baggage with Kyoyo, his boyfriend sets off to do everything in his power to sever his tie with Yesha and absolve him of the contract, so that they can be together for as long as their lives will naturally permit. Wilde is endlessly grateful for his partners unyielding support; a support that leads Kyoyo to Blackjack Island in search of an individual who may have the information they need about breaking the contract—a mysterious man known only as Shiro. By strings of fate, they meet again, and Shiro confesses that his disappearance was necessary, and he cut all ties to keep Wilde safe from his family. A family which he no longer serves, as he, too, has come to America in an effort to start over. And he wants to start over with his son, too, if permitted to do so. Wilde finds it impossible to stay angry and deny his father any longer.

Now engaged at 24, the couple is looking to flee the country back to Korea, to Wilde's hometown, seeking to escape Kyoyo's own stifling, dangerous yakuza familial ties that have kept Wilde a secret from the rest of the Himura family (for good reason). All they want now is to go back under the radar for a more peaceful life where they can live out their days as newlyweds openly, and without the threat of the wolves that nip constantly at their heels.