Dr. West



3 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Dr. Jeffrey West, "Doc West"


~50 at death


human ghost


amab male (he/him)


ex-Enclave engineer


Jeffrey West was in the R&D section of the Enclave, and was one of the many working on the Enclave remnant’s X-01 power armor at Raven Rock. Dick Richardson had just taken over his father’s position as President, and had ordered that all the accidents that took place in making the armor to be kept classified. West was pretty pissed to hear that, cuz fellow scientists and engineers had died making the Enclave’s armor, but there was nothing he could do about it. so he begrudgingly kept working for them until he himself was killed while working on the MK II armor.

apparently his soul couldn’t rest easy, cuz he became a poltergeist after that. he stuck around Raven Rock to watch over his old teammates. his presence was noticed a couple of times, spooking the team, so he decided to stay mostly hidden from then on. (he had an ethereal body but could become invisible as well.) he would help out the team when they weren’t paying attention, correcting notes and moving little things around. when the base was destroyed in 2277 he possessed a suit of X-01 power armor, since as a spirit he could only move light objects, but was able to possess any item. (he has yet to be able to possess living creatures, but not for lack of trying.)

With a new physical body, West headed north on a whim, eventually settling in the Commonwealth. He currently resides in New Salem, and is the settlement’s go-to scientist/engineer.