
3 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info




Awani-Gunari human variant hybrid


cis female (she/her)






April 1st




Teryth's Fault, Valonvyr

Height / Weight

7'0" (213 cm) / 184 lbs (83 kg)


blackmailer (former), duelist (former), agent of the Luminiferous Guild of Sorcerers

Magic Classification


Relics/Relic Manifestation

Meteorite shard/Grapnel


Regeneration, body manipulation and contortion, resistance to toxins




sour food, "cool" (read: tacky) decor, ugly tank tops, weed


people asking about her appearance, the hospital, forests

Positive Traits

courageous, good-hearted, even-tempered, accepting

Negative Traits

impulsive, obnoxious, insecure, rude

Conditions (if any)

cosmetic deformations, depression, substance abuse problems


Born in the ravaged city of Teryth's Fault to a nobody guard and the   wealthy heiress he worked for, Ivrel is a rare hybrid born without   magical interference - and it shows. Her mother died in childbirth, and   she was raised by her father in abject poverty. Ivrel's life contains  no  one great trauma (well, until recently, maybe) aside from her birth,  but instead a miscellaneous cacophony of casual misery. Growing up uneducated and isolated, she learned to fight, did every drug she could get her hands on, and ran away out of "shame" at 16. This went about as well as you'd expect. Ivrel is usually homeless, her several year stint blackmailing politicians and sharing a condo with Vita Caturnon an exception. In the midst of a massive bender after their breakup, Ivrel got hit by an ethereal meteorite and subsequently became almost immortal.

Despite everything, Ivrel maintains a nonchalant facade and takes things  as they come. She is unruly and crass with a tendency to badger people  for some cheap entertainment, though she is  surprisingly good-natured,  particularly in the fact that she does not  judge others and aids them with no expectation of a reward. She has embraced her perceived "scariness" and actually seems to find it kind of  funny. Ivrel is slow  to anger with a good mind for strategy despite  lacking any formal education. At the same time, she is dangerously  impulsive and enjoys fighting more than she admits. She desires little  outside of a  comfortable life - she doesn't really have any long term  goals and  simply lives each day out of obligation. Ivrel is deeply unhappy. She would never admit this, preferring to drown her sorrows in  anything she  can get her hands on. Ever since her "accident," she has  come to believe  that she is suffering from something akin to karma...  For what, exactly, she is not sure. She wonders about the nature of fate and god, whom she assumes must actually be spiteful and cruel. Ivrel thinks she is dumb and that her philosophical musings aren't worth anything, though.

After waking up from her coma, Ivrel suddenly  had both insurmountable  medical debt and the ability to regenerate at  lightning speed. In order  to fuel her magic, she must sacrifice "meat," and her own gore  apparently suffices. While this keeps her power drain to a minimum, she can eventually run out. All reliquaries can regenerate by using sacrifices, but Ivrel in particular is able to do so  at an incredible capacity. She is also able to contort her body in  unnatural ways and, later, grow her bones out of her skin into any shape. It's certainly not painless, though. Because her body processes it at such a high capacity now, she literally can't afford her alcoholic tendencies anymore.