Goumi Dragon Cookie



4 years, 14 days ago


Basic Information

Full Name: Goumi Dragon Cookie
Nicknames/Aliases: Goumi ("go-mee" or "guu-mee", both work)
Title(s): None
Age:  359
Gender: Non-Binary (born female, they/she)
Orientation: Bisexual, demiromantic
Species: Dragon
Birthday: December 4th
Occupation: None
Powers: Cryokinesis, blizzard summoning
Living Family: None
Hometown: N/A
Current Residence: The Frigid Heights

Physical Characteristics

Height: 6'4"
Skin: Very pale blue
Hair: White with light grey tips
Eyes: Red with black sclerae
Body Type: Hefty and blocky, has a vaguely rectangular torso.
Distinguishing Marks: Claw-like markings beneath their eyes. There are also two massive scars on their back where their wings used to be
Left or Right-Handed: Right
Quirks/Habits: In her dragon form, she has a habit of using her hind legs to scratch itches, much like a dog. She also wags/swishes her tail and purrs when happy.
Voice/Voiceclaim: Deep and a bit growly, especially in dragon form.

Medical Information

Addictions: None
Aids/Augmentations: Is eventually fitted with mechanical wings that allow her to glide, courtesy of Clockwork Cookie.
Allergies: None
Conditions: None
Physical Abnormalities: None
Blood Type: ???
Disorders: PTSD, depression
Other Notes: Goumi's wings and horns were taken by a tyrannical king in the past. Her horns grew back. Her wings did not.

Mental/Personality Attributes

Known Languages: Draconic, “English”
Positive Traits: Observant, loyal, clever, calm, gentle
Neutral Traits: Blunt, cautious, gruff, quiet, protective
Negative Traits: Antisocial, insecure, overly private, paranoid, cynical
Optimist, Pessimist, or Realist: Pessimist
Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert
Fears: Emotional intimacy, betrayal
Secrets: In the past, her revenge on the king who took her wings resulted in her infusing her dragon bead's power directly into her body, which directly resulted in the death of Ice Spirit Cookie, her closest friend.


General Likes: Hot springs, hot foods and drinks, hunting, ear rubs, having her hair or fur brushed, auroras, alcohol, simplicity, dreamless naps, clear night skies, painting, wood carving, forest ambience
General Dislikes: Strangers, being touched (especially on her back), her horns being grabbed, hot weather, deep water, philosophy, filthy and/or knotted fur, wasted food, her scars, being belittled
Animal: Bears
Color: Silver
Food: Beef and vegetable stew
Drink: Whiskey
Music Genre: Celtic
Season: Autumn
Flower: Cyclamens


Best Friend(s): Ice Spirit (deceased), Clockwork
Other Friends: None/tba
Acquaintances: Pitaya, Onyx
Significant Other(s): Clockwork
Rivals: None
Enemies: None
Pets: Berry Fox. She also has a Thundersnow Yeti, though more as an additional companion than a combi pet.


Meaning of Name: Goumi is named after goumi berries.
Religion: None
Astrological Zodiac: Sagittarius sun, Virgo moon
Celtic Zodiacs: Elder and Hawk
Element: Earth
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Alignment: True Neutral

  • Goumi deeply resents other cookies after what happened to her, and should there be any passing through the area, she'll put massive walls of ice around her cave to keep them out.
  • Goumi avoids other dragons after the loss of her wings, seeing herself as lesser.
  • Goumi has an unmatched sense of smell, to the point where she can even tell if someone is lying just from the scent they give off.
  • Goumi's dragon form is incredibly fluffy, covered head to toe in thick layers of fur. This carries over to her cookie body in the form of copious amounts of body hair on her limbs, underarms, chest, belly, and groin. She goes to great lengths to keep it clean in both forms.
  • Goumi isn't particularly picky about the food she eats. If it's edible and it'll keep her alive, she'll eat it. (Though she does like having meat when it's available.)
  • Goumi is a poor swimmer, and avoids deep water when she can.
  • Goumi sheds in the summer.
  • Goumi has an “earthy” scent about her most of the time.
  • Goumi prefers not to take on her dragon form around others when she can, as her scars are much more visible.
  • Goumi's hoard consists of items stolen off of intruders she's killed, from weapons to notes/letters to misc. items.

CR Relationships

Clockwork Cookie - "It seems not all cookies are bad..." (Trust/Love)
Knight Cookie - "RRRRGH! Don't you come near me!!" (Tension)
Ananas Dragon Cookie - "You keep your insufferable mouth shut...!" (Tension)
Ice Spirit Cookie - "... I'm so... so sorry..." (Mourning)