Calypso Pinoria



4 years, 3 months ago


Calypso Pinoria

Grey Lesbian

Trans female (She/Her)


The Apprentice

6'3" (191 cm)

Mixed Altmer/Imperial

The Agent
Fighter's Guild member
Kynareth Priest






Born 9th of Sun's Height, 3e 375, Calypso is an agent sent by the Empire to the Iliac Bay to exorcise King Lysandus's spirit. Her class is a spellsword who dons heavy armor and wields longblades alongside her frost magic. She was born in Cyrodiil.


Long Blade




Critical Strike



  • The ocean
  • Cartography
  • Spring weather


  • Difficult puzzles
  • Imps
  • Organization

Calypso is a skilled and well-trained fighter, but somewhat of a simpleton with little wits. She is known to be quite gullible and what most consider a bimbo. She gets scared easily, having an intense fear of imps and skeletons (something she comes across frequently in dungeon delves). She often stumbles over her words, never knowing the right things to say. She's easily distracted and is often found picking flowers or hanging around inns in towns instead of doing her current mission.

She has troubles asking for help, perhaps stemmed in her childhood of constantly being put down by people who she looked up to. She makes amends with some of these people, but Calypso constantly being put down by others for her lack of wits did a number on her ego, finding herself not very confident in anything she does or says. Even as an adult, people use her gullibility to make fun of her, and she finds it very hard to trust anyone, thinking everyone is out to make her into a joke.


Journies begin

Calypso was born in Cyrodill in a small farm town. She was raised by two fathers, one Altmer (Enrionil) and one Imperial (Vontich), and an elder brother (Menelaus). She helped around her fathers' farm, mostly in the fields. She and her brother both learned swordsmanship from Armsmaster Festil, a close friend of their fathers, but Calypso was always more interested in magic.

She always had a strained relationship with her elder brother, Menelaus, who often bullied her. When Calypso heard he was learning magic in the Imperial Court, she desired for him to teach her, but Menelaus always refused. Calypso did eventually earn her own position in the Empire, training under the court mages.

She became trusted enough to be sent by the Emperor himself to High Rock to free the ghost of King Lysandus and retrieve an important letter. Perhaps it was because her brother was the Eternal Champion.


At first, Calypso's journey was a tough one. Her boat was shipwrecked during a storm and she was forced to seek shelter in a cave full of monsters, her worst fear. She did eventually escape, going on to retrieve the Mantella (the key to resurrecting the first Numidium) after a very long journey full of more disease-riddled dungeons and difficult figures that wanted to hinder her mission.

During her journey she joined the Fighters' Guild.

Calypso was presumed to have died after the Wrap of the West, not returning to the Empire after the events. She did survive, however, going back to live a quiet life in her hometown in Cyrodiil. She always had a fascination by the Ayleid ruins surrounding it (she was forbidden to go near them as a child), so she took to studying them and became an independent historian. She explored the Ayleid ruins around her village, writing a two books she'd go on to publish (under a pseudonym).

She also became a priest of Kynareth, often gathering with the other priests at the shrine in the Great Forest.


During one of her delves into an Ayleid ruin, she met a vampire, Deliah. At first Calypso was wary of this vampire, unsure whether she was an enemy or friend. Unlike most monsters she met, she wasn't afraid of Deliah. The two kept running into each other in the ruins, so they decided to get to know each other a little. They ended up becoming mutually attracted to each other, and Deliah asked Calypso out who accepted right away. Calypso wasn't sure what her village would think of her dating a vampire, but she didn't care.

Eventually Deliah offered to turn Calypso into a vampire, and she accepted.


  • Family: Vontich, Enrionil (dads), Menelaus (elder brother), Ocato (brother-in-law)
  • Voiced by: Suzetta MiƱet (English) and Rikako Aida (Japanese)
  • Face claim: Amanda Seyfried
  • Handedness: Left
  • Deathly afraid of imps
  • Worshipper of Kynareth
  • Has gotten the plague at least thrice


Deliah [ lover ]

During Calypso's many explorations into Ayleid ruins, she would occasionally run into a vampire, Deliah. Calypso was at first wary of her, but had an odd fascination with her. Calypso found herself looking forward to meeting Deliah everytime she'd go into an Ayleid ruin. It wasn't long before Del asked Calypso out, gifting her an Ayleid sword. The two dated for awhile before Calypso agreed to let Deliah turn her into a vampire too.

Menelaus [ brother ]

Menelaus often berated Calypso growing up. She always needed help understanding things, but her brother would just make fun of her when she asked for his help. Their fathers would say he was just being a typical older sibling, but to an extent Menelaus greatly hurt their little sister. They end up making up as adults, Calypso not holding any grudges against Menelaus or their dads.

Circe [ acquaintance ]

Calypso met Circe on one of her trips to the Arcane University, during the Oblivion Crisis. Calypso ended up finding out the young Archmage was the mad god Sheogorath, and was transported to the Shivering Isles. Calypso did a few things to entertain Circe, but was eventually dumped back in Cyrodiil after the mad god was satiated.
