


3 years, 10 months ago


Name princess mwaxanaré
Age 18
Pronouns she / her
Race human
Class great old ones warlock
Patron wind dukes of aaqa
Loyalty to chult


  • Trying her best to not be a Princess™.
  • But really really wants to be queen.
  • The tiniest little witch queen.
  • Has a winged cat familiar.
  • She's got that Thirst™ for one (1) birb.

the rightful queen


One of the last heirs to a fallen kingdom, Mwaxanaré has wanted nothing more than to reclaim her birthright since she was a child. Having lost both her parents, she was raised by the aarakoran monks of Kir Sabal who had given her family sanctuary. There, she was treated like the royalty she was and she and her little brother were given everything. She had no concept of life beyond the monastery, let alone the politics of lords and queens. She was a spoiled little girl who'd been told all her life she'd wear a crown.

Enter Sei'ku, an aasimar who'd left Kir Sabal years prior and who had returned with warnings of the threat beyond their walls. He and his friends were prepared to take on Ras Nsi and his army to end the tyranny he reigned down on the jungles of Chult and stop his plans to summon the Night Serpant from the darkness. That was all well and good, but Mwax had heard rumor of the resurgence of a certain chalice that would — as the stories went — prove her claim to the throne. And Ras Nsi had it. It was a simple enough demand. She was to be queen and Sei'ku was a Chultan. He would simply have to get it for her.

But Sei'ku had done the one thing no one else had in Kir Sabal. He told her no. He told her rulers, true and good rulers, were not such because of ancient trinkets and lineage. They had to prove it. They had to be someone worth following. And if she intended to rebuild her family's legacy, she should not start with a chalice so steeped in the misdeeds of her ancestors. She needed to rule on her terms, with her deeds.

Her immediate response was to be enraged by this, of course. Who was he to deny her? She was a princess. She was heiress to Omu and all of Chult. But while his time at Kir Sabal was fleeting, off to go save the world or some such, his words stuck with her. She wanted nothing more than to prove him wrong about her. She wasn't just a spoiled princess.

In trying to prove him wrong, she eventually ended up proving him right. She wasn't meant to be a queen because she'd been told she was one. She was meant to be a queen because she had what it took to be a leader. She actively became more invested in Kir Sabal and its people and joined Teacher in governing the monastery. When Sei'ku and his friends sent the first wave of refugees from Ras Nsi's tyranny to them for sanctuary, she began to make plans for them and whoever else followed. And when they took on Ras Nsi, it was Mwax who organized the monks to join in the assault and help shepherd the wounded home.

She has all these ideas, all these plans, to grow a city in the shadow of the cliffside monastery, one safe for all residents of Chult. Even in her sleep, they're in her dreams. But so is he. Sei'ku has been impossible to get out of her head and now with him returned to Kir Sabal, she wants to be a little bit selfish again.


Sei'ku her golden knight


A literal angel equal parts gorgeous and infuriating. While they had a rough start, he has encouraged her to be a better person and ruler and she has helped to show him that the world is not on his shoulders alone.

Prince Na little brother


Her last remaining family, Mwax loves Na with all her heart and would see to the destruction of any that harmed him. She made her warlock pact in part to protect Na should anything happen to them.

Asharra teacher


The leader of Kir Sabal, she looked after Mwax and Na after the deaths of their parents. Teacher wanted to see the children reclaim Chult, but in caring for them came to spoil them a little too much.

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