Jub ( Macbeth )



4 years, 3 days ago


God Of Order

Demigod . He/Him . Gay

Jub is the son of the Life, molded from the dirt and clay of Earth. Jub lives on Earth, taking it upon himself to document every little thing humanity creates.

He is often the one who has to fix the messes left behind by the others, but he's just glad the fix is in his hand rather than theirs.


Name Jub
Age As old as humanity
Gender Male
Species Human?
Birthday August 28
Height 6'2
Orientation Homosexual
Occupation Whatever he wants

  • His boyfriend
  • His father
  • Free time to wander

  • War
  • Disruptions to his schedule
  • Hunger


  • He journals (almost obsessively) in a floating book with never ending pages
  • He was his father's first draft of the human race.
  • He has done a lot of jobs here and there on Earth, but loves to watch people more than interact himself.
  • Jub is in a wonderful relationship with the love of his life, Unholy, who is another demi-human who lives on Earth with him

Design Notes

  • Jub has dark redish-brown hair, which curls heavily at the ends and falls at a little past his shoulders when down.
  • Jub's is lean with little amount of body fat in most cycles
  • Jub has a few shy mannerisms, but being a man who speaks with others regurlary he has good posture and an air of politness to him.
  • Jub usually has his hair up, but he prefers to have it down when home.


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code by jiko | bg photo by Unsplash