Lauren Hayes



4 years, 10 days ago


Can I help you??


Trying to be better than you were is hard. Lauren is doing a pretty good job, all things considered, the blood caked under her fingernails is proof enough of her newfound commitment to who she is now. But the minutia - the fine details, the little rituals - these are all things she's never really learned, and she's by no means a fast learner. Her perfect idea of who she wants to be - who she feels she needs to be, to atone for her past transgressions - seems like a pipe dream, at times.

How do you teach yourself to be perfect?

  • sports. all sports.
  • swimming
  • boxing
  • shopping
  • snacks: kale chips
  • color: blue
  • food: risotto
  • drink: kombucha
  • girls
  • victory
  • jewelry
  • comraderie
  • gross men
  • failure
  • math.
  • being cooped up

height: 5'8"
weight: 130lbs
build: muscled

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- hair+wings are dyed
- yellow is only on the underside of her hair - not the entire back of her head
- based on an oriental greenfinch
- almost always wearing makeup + jewelry - unless it would get in her way
- mole by her right eye, she's a little embarassed by it
- has a bad case of RBF, always looks pissed
- usually has her arms crossed, if she's standing still


What the fuck am I doing?


The middle child of three daughters, Lauren grew up with the burning need to prove herself - always pushing herself to do everything harder, faster, better than anyone else who was competing with her, whether that be her siblings or her classmates. In elementary, she went hard into that "I'm not like other girls" thing, surrounding herself with boys to try and differentiate herself from the constant need to compete with other women, as though having male friends was somehow "winning". She was less concerned with grades - especially since her eldest sister was such a fucking nerd - and more concerned with sports, especially the more violent ones. Guys treated her like one of the guys, that is until they got to highschool, and puberty started hitting.

Turns out Lauren was pretty hot.

She did everything in her power to de-emphasize her femininity, always tying her hair back, avoiding anything girly, and trying her best to match boys as much as possible in every possible avenue she could. Her hatred of other girls only increased as she did so - that is, until one night.

While at a party she was considering ditching, she noticed one of her friends carrying a drunk girl upstairs. She stared at the staircase for a few moments before she went up there and beat the fucking shit out of him, carrying the girl back down as she left him there to recover. She proceeded to spend the whole night with the girl, until she sobered up, taking care of the poor thing.

And she did a lot of thinking.

It wasn't an overnight thing, but she decided she'd had enough of this shit and spent the next few months trying to "repay her debt", going out of her way to take care of all the girls in her grade, cutting off her connections with all the assholes she'd forced herself to get along with and trying to actually get along with her fellow girls. The girls started calling her the Guardian Angel, a title she was way too tsundere to handle to her face.

When she got an invitation to Zecronis, her friends had to convince her to leave - they'd be fine without her! The Academy was perfect for their angel.

She was definitely worried as she left - making them promise to write often.

Since arriving at Zecronis, she's established herself once more within her grade, although, given it's a school full of do-gooders, she hasn't had much work. Right now, she's trying to learn how to get better grades, trying to channel all that anger into EDUCATION.

you know what? fuck this!

And if you're wondering what Jake did to piss her off, a good chunk of it is just that she's familiar with him and the kinda guy he is. But she's mostly pissed about the party her younger sister threw, the crew Jake rolled with came in and ruined their house. They all got in so much fucking trouble. She has kicked his ass in the past, and presumes she'll have to do it again here.




Lauren's ability capitalizes on her brute strength and inability to plan by giving her the ability to create a burst of wind that ricochets around her. These gusts of wind are usually strong enough to feel like a punch to the face - though she can control how harsh they are, gently launching someone yards away, or smashing them into the dirt in front of her. She can also use this behind her to give herself an extra burst of speed, firing herself off like a bullet.

  • pairs well with fisticuffs
  • only requires air
  • fast casting
  • versitaile
  • high amounts of splash damage
  • can be hard to control
  • tied to emotions
  • is very taxing to use
  • heavy hitter
  • good at hand to hand
  • can make a quick getaway
  • can sense incoming attacks in air
  • weak defense
  • impulsive
  • hit first ask questions later
  • easily outsmarted


name Lauren Hayes
age 16
species Valkye
gender Female
pronouns She/Her
orientation Bisexual
job Student
song Oh no!
obtained created
value priceless
status forever homed
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