


3 years, 11 months ago


Divine intervention saves his life, and he's hellbent on returning the favour. This is the reason he follows Raziel around, and eventually falls in love with him. Comen is a peppy and energetic character, always smiling and seems relatively innocent. He has a dark secret however, which he keeps from Raziel to protect him. He loves Raziel, so why risk jeopardizing that over a small secret? It's not like it matters, anyway.

He and Raziel are travelling companions, as Raziel is on the hunt to find a grim reaper that went missing. Comen follows him around to try and risk his life to save Raziel, the way Raziel had done for him.

Comen was not designed by me, but rather, an account on instagram named Peacock Adopts. All credits for his design goes to them, but his backstory belongs to me. This design was given to me.