


3 years, 10 months ago



Rosemary Abynyior

Protective . Nuturing . Powerful

The oldest living "holae'blad" on the continent of Aurina, Rosie was adopted by Simone and Celes at the beginning of their marriage without much known about her. Initially thought to just have an high aptitude for magic, her actually being one of the very rare holae'blads was hidden from the world to protect her from being killed.

While she is married and a mother now, herself, she takes the very rare holae'blads who come to her for guideance under her wing at any chance she gets. Her status as Veo Schaefer's neice keeps government eyes off her and the magic she chooses to use and teach, something she still keeps rather hush-hush to avoid public panic over holae'blads' incredible magical powers from resurfacing.

Rosie was born April 5th, 1782 in the capital of Meldora. She currently lives far up north, in a town just at the border between Rodair and Meldora. When she is not busy mentoring, she volunteers at her town's local clinic as a healer. She enjoys showing off her magic to any willing and unafraid audience she can find.