
4 years, 21 days ago


Hex Codes: #68A7EC, #0151A6, #012F61, #9A43D0 #2D81AD, and #CD84F0

Adventurous, serious, helpful
Blunt, cold, often feels inadequate

While Nia has a tendency to be quieter, she is usually very excitable and always down for an adventure. She's serious, and will not beat around the bush. If she wants to know something, she will stop at almost nothing to get it. But she's also very cold, and reserved. Likely to protect herself. After being pushed to serve a dying goddess in a never ending war, it makes sense. She doesn't want to feel useless, but she often finds herself feeling so as a historioitsija. Unfortunately, she is basically the only one who has some sort of connection to the gods and the dead apart from Anthea.

  • Nia
  • She/her
  • Ice & lilacs
  • 3/3 Breedings

Likes . . .
  • Direction
  • Adventure
  • Working
  • Conversations
Dislikes . . .
  • Jellyfish
  • War
  • Deities
  • Trees

Title - Artist

Title - Artist

Title - Artist

Those who cannot change their minds, cannot change anything.


Devoted her life to a tree goddess, only to realize said goddess was dying and using her and her family as pawns to fight in her never ending war. Nia left after that, and spent a while roaming around the surface. Was led to the main pride by a mysterious lioness who she's never heard from again.

Nunc posuere lacus eget nisl faucibus venenatis. Donec lorem sapien, scelerisque in quam ac, condimentum mollis nisl. Donec pharetra tincidunt sem a dapibus. Mauris auctor, turpis id tristique rhoncus, metus diam vulputate ligula, eget elementum tellus neque ac metus. Donec ornare tellus interdum diam venenatis porta. Donec convallis ex in est luctus ornare.


Donec laoreet dui et massa sollicitudin ornare. Integer sed libero sit amet ipsum convallis suscipit. Nullam pretium porta nisi, eget euismod eros tempus et. Vivamus nulla arcu, mattis ac volutpat vel, scelerisque a neque. Sed tincidunt metus quis nunc egestas varius vel et arcu. Vivamus placerat est at efficitur vulputate. Curabitur cursus urna id semper sollicitudin. Maecenas pulvinar varius massa at sollicitudin.

Vivamus pellentesque odio et massa pulvinar luctus. Curabitur ut velit luctus, condimentum dui blandit, efficitur libero. Donec eu nisi sit amet lorem rutrum facilisis ut eget odio. Phasellus tempus ornare eros iaculis sollicitudin. Pellentesque sed posuere magna.



Nanuk loves his dad just fine. He got sick of only being around him during their time on the road.



Kosa gets along really well with Bahari. She prefers not to spend too much time in the healer's area because she gets squeamish about organs and stuff.



The two siblings get along really well. They were often getting in trouble, and Kai had to have his butt saved by Kosa more times than he'd like to admit.