
4 years, 2 days ago


Cary is a blind 7 year old girl lost in war, she was taken under by her sister. One day her sister was acting weird and almost attacked Cary. So Cary ran away, running into sickle woooo. Sickle and Cary become great friends, also cable is there ff. One day they run into carys old sister, she rips of carys arm and almost kills her. As a replacement for her arm she gets a robot one 👀. For a couple years life is good. Untilllll ono they run into carys no named sister again. This time she successfully kills Cary. Ya know stabs her in the chest with a stick.

Cary died yet the story just begun. Cary goes on to poses cable and gets her killed. She poses sickle and for some weird lore reasons sickle turns in a demon (sally) when she poses him. Sickle knows that carys posesing him but he ain’t mind >:| )) because he’s still grieving over her so ff.

long story short sally Cary, Cary sally.

edit: I Oofed uh it’s carry not cary 

age when alive: 10

age now: 126

gender: girl