


7 years, 8 months ago


name: Shimmer
species: haiblums (cs)
gender: genderless, any pronouns
personality: Sneaky and a good actor. Acts in a different way to get what they want, or to get someone to like them. Shimmer, in reality, doesn't have many emotions of their own.
likes: string bracelets/necklaces, seashells, acting, getting what they want, hunting
dislikes: idiots, prey getting away, feeling alone
story:Shimmer was saved from drowning and turned into a haiblum. They don't really remember their surface life but doesn't care to. At first they just kept to themself,uncertain of what was happening. Finally they started to warm up and hang out around other haiblums, they would participate in races, and sometimes try to tag along with hunts. They got into a fight with another Haiblum and they both ended up badly injured. Beaten and ashamed they left that city to live on their own for a while again. When they returned they were a completely different person, they would manipulate others by acting a certain way, competitive around others, shy and sweet, flirty, excitable, etc. But inside they really doesn't care for anyone, but lies they do so they don't leave. Afraid of being alone, but also not caring they are torn apart about what to do, so they just keep pretending.

traits: all common