fer the purpleo ne here https://toyhou.se/7142952.more-concepts-here-/gallery#29349091 i can offer art or anyone in my th :O

Do u accept da points?

ye ee

K, I can offer 1000pts for https://toyhou.se/7142952.more-concepts-here-#41621671 (if they are still available) Thank u

ye i accept! my da is louzo-chan 

Thank u! sent

Meep! How much art for the top middle guy in https://toyhou.se/7142952.more-concepts-here-/gallery#25454505 ?

(And since I also have other characters I wanna offer on, how much art would you accept for these guys?:



https://toyhou.se/8038507.villiam )

Examples in the linked character!

Does anyone in my th interest u for https://toyhou.se/7142952.more-concepts-here-/gallery#26247401 ? 

I could do ayesha!

u can create a th page for hallowene cat :³

just made one :D Ayesha is pending! 

i can do anyone in my TH for 

https://toyhou.se/7142952.more-concepts-here-/gallery#29349091 (2, 3, 4)

I can trade Almond for the minecraft cat on the bottom in this image if it's still available!

ye i acvept :³

u can create th page for em after tramsfering

Thanks so much ^^


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I adore the yellow one and the tiny baby flame!!! https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/29349091_8Hbk7hhEj5M0n4U.png?1644083901 Are they still available, and if so, what are you looking for them?

id like to offer ocs in my th for https://toyhou.se/7142952.more-concepts-here-/gallery#29190266 (im tent on some)!

i can do that!

(also can i switch the concept character i wanted for this one instead? https://toyhou.se/7142952.more-concepts-here-/gallery#22735486

sure also ye can create th for tree bby after u transfer the character

will do!

made the th and transferred!! https://toyhou.se/18690414.bunsai

everyone besides blue one is still open

How much?

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ye they are

my da is louzo-chan

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no im not selling u my robot hes a homie ima redisigning em soon 

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ocs, usd or art! :]

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u can upload em to th when u send over arts ^^

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ye hes open :]

not looking at offers at worm tho

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im pretty sure they r closed

Oh alright! If they go off hold could u ping me? ^^

are they on hold?


Would this guy still be open?: They


Much swag, ive got some characters in this folder?: Folder

I could do them indeed :)! 

u can create a th for the shark after u send em

helloooo would you take 400 points for the yellow frog? https://toyhou.se/7142952.more-concepts-here-/gallery#23526634 i saw that someone else wanted them but idk if they are still on hold???

i dunno but id accept but gotta recheck

ok just let me know when you check B)

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would u do more then 200pts?

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i accept^^ my da is louzo-chan

3 Replies

is swordfish open?what can i offer?art or trade?youcan find em in my th!

are the froggy one available? ovo

star and yellow frogs r still open^^

ohh oki oki how much for both? :0

+ - 10$

Is it ok to hold while I get the money? Im 5 dollars short ;-;


Hey! Is #4 from this still avaliable? I’d love to offer some art of a character of your choice (or #4 themself!)

Totally!! Are half-bodies okay? (it’s okay if not, I can scale it up to full-bodies if you need me to :])

would be cool if you could do fullbodies but it doesnt really matter halfbodies they are or not^^

I will try my best to do full-bodies, then!!

loutes-chan Alright, art is done! Just to make sure, am I clear to snatch up #4? (I don’t do trades very often haha)

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i think they are^^ how much are you offering?

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i was not really accepting the offer cause i wasnt sure as well :∆

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what would u trade for this guy? https://toyhou.se/9164444.honeymilk

i can offer 5 fullbodies and a custom + this guy or ocs

If the strawberry one is open could I offer 100 points, anyone in lovables. Or some in ocs. And maybe 1 full? I can add

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Is https://photos.app.goo.gl/3kGS7Ax48cyNg1GE7

Open still? If so I can offer a bust and headshot?

i accept :]

head shot for them

and bust for em please

Hiii loutes-chan! Anyone in my trade folder or I can offer art for

https://toyhou.se/7142952.more-concepts-here-/gallery#25314689 ?

I luv fishtails ;w;) <3

would u do them for honeykit or goldfish? :³

I fish for a fish ma dude UwU Or up to you

sure!^^ will transfer bab to u

Sup, I've sent fish friend to you owo

sent thems too ^°^

hi!! can i offer 700 points and https://toyhou.se/10989954.elaine for https://toyhou.se/7142952.more-concepts-here-#28669551 ? i can also offer art if you'd like!! examples here: https://sta.sh/017z3un1vvnd , https://sta.sh/01f6cg1wfq45 !!

yep can do!^^ 

could u perhabs do art of this gal? 👉👈👀

im so sorry that took a while but here you go!! https://sta.sh/023k5vdy8cuq :D

it looks so damn good! tysm^^

yw!! im glad you like it! ^^

my da is louzo-chan

alrighty!! i can send the points and character over now, and ill try to finish the art up later this week!

got them^^

also i cant create th entrys en/sent images on th so is it possible for you to create their th profile instead of me? 👉👈

of course! ill credit you as the creator/designer! ^^

art, pts, ocs

Would you take 80 points?(I can add more)

80 bit to low🤔

hiya there! anyone in my th or my alt GhostKing interest for f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/28669551_Kby9fikhyuqT54m.png or f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/23189248_S2YRCa5a5MkdpEK.png? the only offlimits are the ones in my main tagged forever homed!

hi! does anyone in here or here (azoth is nft, rest are tent) for either the the yellow frog or whale tale?

also because id rather not comment more than once around your th, i really like henry and would be happy to offer for them too!

perhabs https://toyhou.se/7320609.-ufo-jet for wale tail?

im a little hesitant considering the amount of art jet has ^^ ill think about it unless youd want to even the scales a bit?

can do

ok, hi again! i thought a little more and id be fine with doing jet but only if i could get both the little frog and whale tails in return, given the designs seem to be more like quick concept doodles instead of anything fully finished (i.e. refs)! i hope that's alright with you?

Does anyone from my th interest you for this kid? If not how much money would you want for them? https://toyhou.se/7142952.more-concepts-here-/gallery#28603811

The only off-limits is my Current Fursona folder and main ones folder ^^

Like around 10$+ 

Alright cool! I could try to get $15, would that be ok?

Ye :3

Anyone in mains interest you for the Chinese dragon or purple flame?  My sona and bea are off limits hhhh but uh my whole th is free game https://toyhou.se/Tytonicp1

Aa i can totally do them! 

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sure!! see anyone in there for the blue flame too?

i can do both of those :D

would you like me to send meringue an tweety first?


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i dont sure if i can trade them

mb i can trade blue fire for tweeky instead?

oh! okay- i can do that

Would you give up  these dudes for 500 points unless you're interested in characters? https://toyhou.se/7142952.skechy-concepts/gallery#2620841


I'm actually interested in the frog with the cat hoodie? And the strawberry one https://toyhou.se/7142952.skechy-concepts/gallery#2352663


i dont see who you wanted in first but im 100% need points!^^

A my bad! It was this dude! https://toyhou.se/7142952.skechy-concepts/gallery#26208419

And if you feel like the price is fair I'll send over the points! Just to make sure it is louzo-chan im sending them to right?

yes, i think orice is fair^^

Alrighty! I sent over the points!

if you want i could trade this bbys for frogs if you want



O sure, but I thought the 500 points was for two characters, the lollipop and a frog, and then you'd pick a character for the other frog sorry I was confused!

you can pick one of ocs what i pickedfor both frogs or transfer them both for both frogs 👀🤔

Alright! I'll send over one then!

Hi hi! Is the arm thingy still up for offers?


How about two OCs from “For Trade” folder and one from “Other Characters”?

She’s yours! Merry Christmas!


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