Tea Treat's Comments

EvieKateW anyone in my th

Sorry for the late reply!! I enjoyed this baby a lot! ^^

If I can’t trade them for that character, I also like these babies! But I may prefer more then one of them to trade for tea treat since they have more art then these characters if that’s ok! ^^ 


If your unable to do this that’s ok! I just wanted to check!

ill send zeke!!

I’m sorry, but as I said I would rather have more then one character if they are the last 3 I listed for them (Zeke, tac and caretaker)^^ Because Tea treat has a lot more art then just one of them and idk if it would be fair :,) so if you could send Zeke and another character I listed (out of the last 3) I would probably accept! ^^ (or you could add art to the offer along with Zeke! Which ever! But it’ll depend on the amount of art added! ^^)

ill send tac

Ok! Tysm! :D I’ll go ahead and send Tea then! ^^ hope you have a great day/night and Tysm for the trade!!

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Here's some oc's! I'll let you know if they're my off limit (since it's easier to look then to list one by one QwQ) 




Tbh if you could offer maybe 2-3 icon animations (gifs) I could probably accept this! :D 

Or! (If your ok with mixed trades) I would probably accept this baby: https://toyhou.se/13904282.-rosetta- and maybe 2 gifs! ^^ 

Your art is very cute btw! ^^

EE would u be ok with 2 gifs for less taking time? And if so then sure! If ur OK with me taking a while :') I mostly update if I'm taking so long 

I’m fine if it takes time I can put them on hold! I know animation can take a while! ^^ so could you tell me again what the offer is? :3

Are 2 gif icons alr? ^^"

I'll have to think about it! I hope thats ok! I would just prefer a little more in the offer! I hope i dont come off as too harsh at all! (you can add characters if u dont wanna do art) ^^

4 Replies

Anyone here for them? https://toyhou.se/Midnightstar579/characters/folder:2898927 Can do art, as well!

Apologies you have really cute characters but i didnt see any that would interest me enough to trade for them! Tysm for the offer tho! ^^

Np! Tysm for looking :)

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I like these two the most! If your willing to trade both of them for Tea I'd consider! 



The only reason i would prefer both is because tea has a good amount of art and is a bit higher profile quality then just one of the characters, however it's completely up to you! ^^

Im still waiting to accept any offers yet because i want to give some other people chances to offer too! ^^

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Ok! ^^
I'll keep your offer in mind! I dont plan on accepting offers yet! Tysm for the interest!

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May I offer two fullbodies and two headshots? :0

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Idk if they are available or not since they are in the "mains" section but i really like this baby! The only problem i have is that tea treat has a good amount of art and that baby only has one so if there is any chance you could add a simple bust or icon that would be appreciated! I don't want to ask for much! I hope that is ok! I'm ok with haggling on it! ^^

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Ah ok no problem that's fine! If you'd rather offer art for them i'm ok with that! ^^

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Since they have a higher image count, i would prefer to have maybe around 5-6 pieces of art for them at least! Would maybe 1 full, 1 bust and 4 headshots work for them? I can haggle if you'd like! ^^