Triton - X (Character study)



2 years, 6 months ago


Triton is someone who likes to know the world around him, likes to know what makes the world move. He only feels at ease when he understands those around him and their motives. One of his major vices is his need to be liked, to have control of the situations around him.

Roza is someone who has her secrets. She does not need to be known, she is fine with  not fitting in and not being understood. If someone learns what she hides from the world, she does not mind, but she will not reveal.

Triton never had a good grasp on her as a person. In some ways, he found it thrilling, and in others, it stressed him out. For he was able to be surprised and be ok with being surprised. He loved her, but he also felt uncomfortable by her, feeling as if he could never truly understand her. 

He betrays her, falling to his vices. Where, in her absence, he undoes her political work and unintentionally causes suffering to the nation’s people. While he has no malice behind his actions, intent doesn’t mean its ok. It doesn’t excuse the things caused by his inherit selfishness and his need to be liked. As he was favouring the pleasures of the aristocrats instead of the needs of the people, taking from those who had nothing to give.

When Roza justifiably gets angry and demands he fixes his mistakes, it’s where the shift in his character truly settles in. Despite how he did love her - and still does, her anger frustrates him, making him paranoid and conclude that he never truly understood her.

Instead of owning up to his actions and picking what truly made him happy, he gave into his vices and refused to admit his wrong, refused to let down his pride, and so he doubles down instead of fixes his mistakes like he should have. Especially when he decides at that moment, that he is never capable of understanding her. Too stubborn and too prideful to grovel. The only ones who would have been able to snap sense into him was dead (Cyllia), and had shut him down until he took the steps to reconciliation on his own (Roza).

In return, with things tarnished, he grows bitter and distant, where his selfishness becomes what he is. Feeling as if he lost everything that made him happy, he goes back to the things he knows what always made him temporarily happy; party, company, riches. From there, he goes on trying to fill the hole in his heart by the momentary highs of his social addictions.

His need for control will always be his downfall. How it runs him to the point of ruin.

Despite whatever he felt for her, he ends up poisoning Roza and kills her. She had gone from something he endeared, to a hindrance and an obstacle. A point where he sinks to his lowest and where there truly is no going back from. But as second in power, her being gone gives him what decided he wanted in the end: control.

Silla, 4 at the time, far too young to be Empress. Meaning that as one of the Advisors, he is in power until she comes of age.

He is not a good person, caved into his selfishness and self-entitlement, his concerns become for or himself and of pleasing the aristocrats; the people he feels like he actually understands. He runs the nation into ruin so that they can live in luxury, one that only continues to grow at the cost of suffering he doesn’t care about, especially not anymore.

Without Roza to protect Silla, Triton begins to manipulate his daughter, moulding her into an obedient pawn. So that when she grows up, she will not challenge him and so that he will keep control through her.

But over a decade later, as one so used to being in charge, of having everything he asks for without challenge, after so many years of compliance from Silla, when she breaks out of the glass cage she was raised in, he does not see it until it’s too late. Where he underestimates her and never truly understood her either, just as he never did, Roza.

In the end, he is brought down in a show of irony: poisoned by his daughter; the one he thought he knew, that he thought he had full control over.  But he thought her meek and compliant, and was never challenged by her in so long, and so he did not see the fire in her that has burned quietly in the corner, not until it was given tinder and let grow wild; enough to set the world ablaze. 

In the end, it is his control that literally brings him down.