


4 years, 3 months ago



Name Linh
Age teenager
Gender female (she/her)
Species Kamishiba
Type natural
HomeGloomy Forest

Masterlist . Ref sheet . Profile

Linh is a very adventurous young lady. Ever since she had appeared on Aurora Land she has been has been a little troublemaker. She has dropped out of school at a very young age pursue to her dream as a explorer. After moving a little around she is  living in Gloomy Forest, where she is researching and collecting all the different exotic plants (Which she lovingly calls her "little babies") .

Linh had always had a fairly short temper and gets easily jealous. She doesn't like a lot of people - and will let those know how she feels about them - but those who she does like she cares deeply for and will always protect with all she has!

 "the wave returns to the ocean, where it came from and where it's supposed to be"

HTML by lowkeywicked

[very obviously under contruction]