Tsurai Samyang




Tsurai Samyang
"I don't care how unhealthy it is."
Name Tsurai Samyang
Alias Burning Hot Hero: Scovilla
Birthday November 24th
Age 16
Gender Female
Height 5'4
Hair Blonde with red/brown tips
Eyes Scarlet with yellow swirls
Blood type AB
Quirk Spicy Noodles
Occupation Student
Affiliation Shiketsu High
Status Active | Single
Fighting Style Melee+Support Combat
Quirk Spicy Noodles

Her hair, which has a noodley texture, secretes a substance that is burning hot to the touch! The more spicy food she eats, the "spicier" her hair gets.

Super Moves
Ignite Tsurai concentrates and heats up all the spicy energy at the tips of her hair. Eventually, it ignites and sets her hair tips on fire! After this move, her hair won't be as hot as it was before for a while.
2-3 million scovilles Tsurai eats a ghost pepper, which is so hot that it heats up her hair to the maximum immediately. This is more of a last resort, as the pepper is too spicy even for Tsurai, and her hair stops being hot for a while afterwards.
Mischevious . Goofy . Messy

Despite her meek appearance, Tsurai is a michevious girl. She loves to laugh, unfortunately it's usually at someone else's expense.

Likes & Dislikes
  • Spicy food
  • Memes
  • Pranks
  • Dramedies
  • Killjoys
  • Taking photos
  • Grease
  • Swimming
  • Her given name, Tsurai, means "spicy" and her surname, Samyang, is a reference to Samyang Foods.
  • She resides in the Fukuoka prefecture. More specifiaclly in the city of Hakata, which is known for its ramen.
  • She is blind in her right eye.
  • English Voice
  • Japanese Voice
  • Panic! at the Disco - Emperor's New Clothes
  • Armanibanz! - Tik Tokers
  • Slush Puppy (ft. Royal & the Serpent) - EAT SPIT!
  • Cascada - Pyromania

Tsurai Samyang, also know as the "Burning Hot Hero: Noods", is a first year student at Shiketsu High school, training to become a Pro Hero.

Tsurai's father is the current owner of Samyang foods. He knows that he won't be around forever, and was hoping that one of his daughters would inherit his spot. His first daughter, Aburake, wanted to be a pro hero and therefore couldn't become a business woman. That means the inheritance fell to Tsurai. Tsurai also didn't want to be a business woman, and in a panic, she also claimed she wanted to be a hero so she can be excempt too. Now she has to see that lie all the way to the end if she wants to stay out of business.

Shinpi Mayonaka | Best Friends

Tsurai and Shinpi are in the same class and hit it off immediately due to their similar senses of humor. Despite only meeting eachother recently, they are inseperable and are always together (especially in detention). They have nicknamed themselves "The S&M Duo" due to their last names.

Seiji Shishikura | Loves to hate

Most of the first year students dislike Seiji due to his hall monitor behavior. Tsurai and Shinpi especially hate him because he's usually the one who gets them sent to detention. They make fun of him all the time, even to his face. Sometimes he's even a victim to their pranks.

Aburake Samyang | Big Sister

Tsurai and Aburake don't always get along. Aburake hates that Tsurai is using her dream as a way to get out of work. Tsurai thinks that Aburake is annoying and uptight. They don't always see eye to eye, but they do have their sisterly moments.

Candle Queen | Mentor

Candle Queen is the hero the Tsurai is currently interning under.