


3 years, 11 months ago




Name Lorraine
Age 24
Gender Female
Height 5'2"
Species Driftling


Lorraine is a girl who seems perfectly wholesome at first - clumsy, a little ditsy, hopelessly naive - always seemingly in some sort of distress and in need of help, whether it be something small, or a dangerous situation.

The truth is that it's all an act - Lorraine is very rarely not in complete control of a situation, nor is she dense to any extent. She enjoys being cared for, she enjoys attention, and overall, she enjoys a fantasy of being a helpless victim - often goading others until she gets the results she wants, which she may then use to milk for more sympathy and attention. The added benefit is holding these incidents over people's heads - oh, you were so terribly horrible to her! Make it up to her. You have to make it better~ look at what you've done!

If she's not in the mood to play up her act, or simply doesn't think she can get anything out of you, she immediately becomes incredibly abrasive and dismissive, unwilling to deal with people she doesn't like, and often using her manipulation tactics to assassinate others verbally.

While she can sometimes be nice and considerate, engaging in the odd honeymooning phase, it's drastically outweighed by her faults, and her long line of exes behind her all tell a pretty consistent story;

If you hear Lorraine screaming for help - keep walking. You're better off not getting involved.


  • Never wears underwear
  • Really into rough sex
  • Her lipstick is strawberry flavoured~


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