


4 years, 13 days ago


Name: Ayame

Bio Sex: Male

Gender: Male

Orientation: Gay

Species: Standard Astrolyte



Additional Stroke
Butterfly Markings
Blend Marking
Back Mane
Gradient Sclera
Pride Tail Tip
Sharp Ears
Head Shape Changer
Shaped Pupils
Heavenly Hair
Cloud Cloak
Curled Antennae

Magic: None

Children: Egg #63 and Egg #69

- Friendly
- Social
- Eccentric
- Careless
- Polite
- Rather pushy

Ayame is a friendly and talkative lavaling,liking especially to talk with and befriend
those whom he finds to have beautiful features. He is very passionate about dancing and
enjoys doing it, wanting to build up his own dance troupe of the finest,most elegant and
gorgeous dancers in the land. So he is constantly on the look out for talented 'lings and
'lytes to join his troupe. But if they don't want to join he will pester them until he
feels he has gone too far. Only to return the next day and try again. At least he (usually)
doesn't pursue them in an annoying, begging way, he asks as politely as he can and maybe even
offers them something in return while he tries to convince them to join up. Once he has
assembled all the finest dancers they will travel the land putting on dazzling performances
and gaining acknowledgement as the best performers around.
Random thing- Unfortunately Ayame tends to make careless mistakes often and is pretty slow
at realizing his error.

History or whatever
Ayame was born and raised into a family of Astrolytes that have lived in somewhat similar ways
to the Japanese for many generations. They are traditional 'lytes with strict beliefs and many
rules to be upheld, restricting Ayame in some ways.

Ayame's father,Akane was a warrior in his younger days, fighting in battle while Ayame's mother,
Katsumi,was a geisha.(a Japanese hostess trained to entertain men with conversation, dance, and
song) The two met when Akane frequented the tea house at which Katsumi worked,the pair steadily
fell in love and then moved into a spacious Japanese style home with their soon to hatch egg,Ayame.

Ayame and his family have a respectful relationship, he doesn't question his stern and proper fathers
orders and he usually helps his mother by doing various household chores for her.
Ayame doesn't have a particularly close relationship with his father though as they have a lot of
difficulty understanding one another, especially as Ayame is more free spirited and open minded than
Akane, whereas Akane is more formal and duty bound. Despite their differences Akane tries to bond with
his son, wanting to teach him all that he has learnt about battle as he still takes great pride in his
abilities and knowledge from his warrior days. Though Ayame is more interested in dancing and
literally anything else for the most part.But it IS the only thing they can try to bond over so he does
try harder on some days to pretend like he is interested,he wants to get along with his dad afterall.

At least Ayame and his mother get along better.She doesn't mind him being his usual talkative and happy
self around her and she likes to teach him how to do things like cooking, cleaning and the like despite
her husband's disapproval as Akane believes that only woman should do the household chores, not men. He is
very old fashioned that way. But despite his disapproval he still lets his son do as he wants because
though he doesn't show it well he does want his son to be happy, even though he wouldn't dare say such
things aloud.