


4 years, 13 days ago


Name: Topaz

Bio sex: Male

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/They

Species: Standard Lavaling

Head Fluff
Bunbun ears
Body Fluff
Finger Hooves
Slicker's tail
Tail Fluff
Pride Tail Tip
Whisp Wings

Personality and Info
- Friendly
- Genuine
- Problem Solver
- Responsible
- Caring
- Kinda controlling
- Has a back bone
- Leader type
- Generally very motivated

Topaz is a friendly lavaling that likes to take care of others, she often checks up
on other lytes to see how they're getting along. She has the dream of being a mayor
one day and having her own town to take care of.
She like puzzles and is a good problem solver but, unfortunatley she has the tendency to
butt in and help other lytes with their own problems, sometimes even just taking over and
assuming things.
Topaz is responsible though once in a while she'll end up taking responsibility for something
she didn't do and not really realize that she's even doing it. But its only because she just
can't stand to see someone looking so helpless if they acidentally broke a vase and are too
scared to take the blame. So she steps in. I'd say she needs a good friend to tell her it's
not her place to take responsibility for something she didn't do. Speaking of friends she
doesn't exactly have any, she considers everyone her friend though. Topaz is always so busy
trotting around town and being a busy body that she would need someone to be able to keep up
with her and catch her out when she's going too far in helping a stranger.
Topaz won't let others push her around and is a natural leader, and always happy to help!
She carries all types of seeds around in her little bags as she loves planting things and
watching them grow.