


4 years, 12 days ago


Felix Leveret
basic info

designer Myself
species Animari
age 18
height 6'0"
build Slender, slight muscle
gender Male
pronouns He/they
orientation Pan-sexual
occupation Pet

Felix is a very happy young man with a massive love for life, he doesn't see the world the way others do and clings to only seeing the good in people. Trying to help people who have 'lost their way' find love for lie again, wanting to see no one in a place of suffering.


Felix was born to a whore mother who had no idea who his father truly was, while she loved her son she knew he needed saving from her dangerous life. So when a rich man came to her she asked him to take in Felix, the man refused at first but after much begging and offering her services for free he gave in and became Felix's father figure and new owner.

Felix lived a happy life with him being treated well and given anything that he could ask for, when he saw the man starting to become happier and even find a new lover he felt over whelmingly happy himself. He quickly saw one of the workers at his home losing all hope and took to helping them, wanting to give them a new love of life and a reason to live.

He did for years helping as many people as he could, though not all could be helped he tried his hardest never to let it get him down. As he got older and more good looking his owner started to dress him differently, trying to hide his body not wanting others to become tempted by him fearing what would become of Felix.

Life changed again with his owners increasing age, he saw him getting closer to death but still being happy with how his life had gone. His owner knowing Felix needed someone started a search for a new owner for him, hoping desperatly to find someone kind but sadly passed before finding a new owner leaving Felix to search alone for a new owner for himself.


write even more text here! this section is meant for a little description of the world your character lives in or comes from. feel free to go as in-depth as you want. or delete entirely if you don't need it.

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  • Happiness
  • Lights
  • His owner
  • Anything fluffy

  • Saddness
  • The dark
  • Loud noises

food Anything sweet
drink Water
color Yellow, white
snacks Carrots
animal Sheep

  • Sewing
  • Helping others
  • Writing poems
  • Making lace jewellery

Owner/Father Figure

Felix loved Agha deeply seeing him not as his owner but his father, he was over joyed to see him become happy with a new love. Just sort to make sure that he was always happy, even when on his death bed he just wanted to know that he wasn't scared or upset and stayed with him till he passed.


Bardia was hired by Agha to protect Felix when he went on a month long trip, Felix tried desperately to help Bardia not liking to see how emotionless he was acting. He quickly came to view Bardia as a friend though liking to get to talk with him, finding out slightly more about the outside world that Agha sought so hard to sheild him from. He is unsure how Bardia feels towards him if he cares at all, but he still sees him as a friend and was upset when Agha returned letting Bardia leave. However Bardia was called back to protect him once in a while when Agha went off on business, Felix is hoping to see him again one day and wishful he'll find happiness and a new love for life.

ref sheet


design notes

  • Has lace blindfolds, they don't inhibit his sight at all just hide the colour of his eyes something Agha wanted him to hide in fear it would make people desire him.
  • His white rabbit ears.
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