Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

! ! ! WARNING ! ! !

--- My content/page contains graphic violence, gore, sexual themes, etc. not suitable for minors.
by continuing you are agreeing to be of age and are ok with the themes.

---Only characters for sale/trade are ones in my Sale/Trade album
there are a few exceptions in my character folder that say "for offer" on their page.
as I'm unsure if I want to keep them or not, you may offer money, art, or another OC.
No guarantee I will accept art/another OC I can be picky.
Click here for a list of likes/dislikes for trading
-please do not ask to buy any of my other characters, as they are not for sale.

---Please do not take, edit, trace, copy, etc. any of my characters.
thank you.

Please note your consent will be stored in cookies until your session is closed.

No thanks!