Iris de la Cruz



4 years, 22 days ago


― the stars weep for her


Iris de la Cruz is a human that stands proudly at 5'0" who bluffs more than she can risk, but will still stand her ground even when she's wrong. Being stubborn has gotten her in trouble, and even has made her blind to the reality of things. She has curly, dark brown hair that hangs above her shoulders and is never combed. Usually, she wears a hairpin to clip one side of her bangs back, but stray hairs still manage to find a way to her face. She is often quiet, always observing and staring either at others or off in the distance which can be seen as rude at times. When she does speak, she manages to be straightfoward, but also wanting to make peace.


Aiya de la Cruz
Iris' tiefling mother. They have a quiet, yet tense relationship because of Iris' inability to speak about anything with her, and with Aiya's strict eye on her rebellious actions. They tend to not see eye-to-eye and often have disagreements.

Aster de la Cruz
Iris' little brother. She adores him but also finds him a bit annoying. She often bosses him around and teases him, but would protect him with her life, even if he is taller and stronger than her. They're usually very attatched to the hip, but ever since Iris ran away, it broke Aster's heart.

Iris' old demon patron and lover. Having made a pact at 14 years old through her curiousity and frusturation with magic, Iris has gotten close with Cresil, often teaching them things about the mortal plane, and in return, learning about Baator. After going through Wonderland, Iris' feelings for them was uncertain and their pact broke.

Minh Han
Iris' old mentor. At a young age, Iris always had a interest in magic, but was never able to pull any out of her no matter how hard she tried. Through her brother needing aid for his magic, she was able to meet Minh, a wizard. While she was never successful to use magic, she learned a lot from him.