


4 years, 2 days ago


Character's Race: Human
Character's Occupation: Healer
Character's Social Class:  Commoner, Apprentice upper class.

Character's Equipment: Simple everyday clothes for wearing around home and town.  Official “holy” garb when working as a healer. Bottles of Holy water. Her only “weapon” is a small dagger, but she doesn’t really know how to use it other than the pointy end goes into the bad guy.

Character's Flaws: She is a big scaredy cat, especially of the dark.
Character's Origin: A small village, not even big enough to be called a town.  Think of it more like a few farms near one another.  She seemed to be blessed with her powers so her parents sent her away to study.
History: Luw is a common girl.  She is use to living with only the basic needs and often gets very embarrassed and nervous when it comes to more extravagant things.  Throw her into a party or at a table with too many forks and she gets very flustered.  However she is eager to learn at the same time, especially in her studies of the healing arts.  She is a very sweet and kind girl willing to help anyone despite their beliefs.  Some might even call Luw blissfully naïve. The only thing that really protects her is her over-cautiousness.