Basic Info








Kitsuneko Chimera


Arctic Fox/Fishing Cat



Relationship Status:

Currently in a relationship with weegeestar5's Lock


Xander is quite extroverted, making him a social butterfly. He enjoys meeting new people and making new friends. He is very happy and cheerful, he tends to see things on the positive side, except for when things seem too bleak for there to be a bright side. He is also very understanding and empathetic, being a very good friend he will listen to your problems and give you advice on what to do. He is also rather self-less, willing to put aside something to listen to or talk to his friends. He is very loving and affectionate, a very sweet guy. He enjoys making others laugh, he also enjoys being on the theatrical side sometimes. He can have a bit of mean streak sometimes though, though it tends to rarely be displayed, usually only jokingly. He loves to be spontaneous and keep everyone on their toes. He is fun-loving and adventurous, not afraid to try something new and different. But he can be compulsive and rash, jumping into and doing things on a whim without really thinking it through. He can also be very self-indulgent, often doing what he wants to do instead of doing what he should be, such as homework and other important things. He has a tendency to over think things sometimes, often reading too much into things to find something that isn't really there.