


3 years, 11 months ago


Name: Solstice, ("Sol"- by Equinox, "Sköll"- by self)
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Intelligence: Intelligent
Parents: (Exists for lore purposes only)
Sibling(s): Equinox (Younger Brother)
Mate: n/a
Offspring: n/a

General Personality

Serious, confident, studious, prideful.
Spends almost all of his time alone.
Often appears as emotionless or stoic, but has an internal dorky side.


Solstice was born an unwilling and defiant magical prodigy. He was highly reckless in his youth, often dragging his better-behaving younger brother around to places of interest around their home. His magical capabilities were awakened when attempting to save his brother from a frozen lake during a forbidden midnight exploration. After the experience, he broke. He became somber and disciplined, vowing to right his wrongs for the sake of his brother. He now continues to study and practice magic.
The traumatizing event of his childhood has caused him to despise the ice he is bound to. Frost forms freely along his body and causes his fur to clump and freeze at the tips. His smoke is now akin to a fog of condensation, which is always visible when he exhales. He is constantly focusing on controlling his frosty powers, so he often comes off as mean or blunt to other noovles. If he drops his guard or becomes highly emotional, larger ice crystals may form along his body, especially around his eyes or any open wounds.

Headcannon Voice
Slow Dancing in the Dark - Joji