Alexander Hurst



4 years, 10 days ago

Basic Info














September 13th (Virgo)


Pawdiam City, Cinaba



Personal Item:


Full Team:


First Appearance:

UE: Experico Rising - Chapter 1

Last Appearance:




[Arc 1]

Alexander is a 17 year old teen standing at 6’2” (188cm) with nero black hair and brown eyes, having peach skin. He wears a button up white shirt with cuffs above the elbow, having a grey trim on the shoulders, cuffs and down the buttoned area. Fit with blue pants that don’t cover his ankles, with purple runners his socks are not visible.


Alex has a shy personality, generally not speaking with others and even resorts to just nodding or shaking his head in terms of responding. Typically, he’s much more comfortable with talking to Evomon and interacting with them over people due to his asocial personality. He’s also gentle, taking things slow with Evomon who might need a slower approach and having a strong urge to help those in need. Especially with Evomon, Alex comes off as quiet as well where sometimes people don’t realize he’s there not exactly liking to become center of attention. He can however, get protective of his belongings primarily that of things that have sentimental value to him.


At a young age, Alex had always had trouble communicating with other people and coming out of his reclusive nature to make friends. Keeping to himself only communicating with members of his family, finding it much easier being friends with his family Evomon, Nooki. During school, Alex never really made any friends keeping himself to the books and studying. Only speaking with the School Evomon, having especially a hard time communicating with teachers. On his 9th birthday, his grandmother gifted Alex a journal to help him communicate his feelings and thoughts better to hopefully help with his shyness. He’s very protective of this journal and only allows his parents and grandmother to read the contents of this journal.

Outside of family functions and school, Alex enjoys going to the park to read or study. Sometimes he goes on long hikes where he’ll find a spot to sit down with his family Evomon and read for hours. When he’s not doing this, he sometimes follows his cousin Yukiya who primarily does most of the talking and generally tries to help him come out of his shell more having a completely opposite personality. Alex also helps his grandmother with her garden at her home, he manages in taking some wild Evomon out of the garden and putting them at the edge of the forest without causing them harm. Always believing it’d be easier to gently remove them over other most hostile means in terms of pesticides that’d hurt helpful Evomon that help the flowers and plants grow or causing death to Evomon. Gaining interest in becoming a vet, he’d started to read up on schools and what he’d need to do to be accepted.

With this new goal in mind, his parents suggested that Alex go to an upcoming event in Thundore Bay in gaining his first Evomon and potentially making some friends. Convincing him that he could experience different environments along with different Evomon in a more natural setting that could help him in becoming a vet. After refusing to do so a couple times, it took Yukiya to finally convince Alex to travel to Candea for the event.

On his arrival, Alex didn’t interact much with the other teens and young adults at the event. Even keeping to himself primarily, he did however look over several Evomon. Noticing Remni who’d gotten out of his holding pen to hide, but Alex knelt down and gained Remni’s trust. Having a connection with Remni due to Remni’s timid nature reminding him of himself as a child.



Maria Hurst –Alex’s mother, he has an incredibly close relationship with his mother. She always strived for him to learn and make friends at his own pace. He always enjoyed reading with Maria and picked up an interest in reading, he takes mostly up on her last name but uses his father’s family side of the last name as well.

Haruki Hurst – Alex’s father, his relationship had started a little strained primarily due to his father believing Alex could come out of his shell with a bit of pushing. Eventually, he relented on letting Alex be how he is. He buys most of Alex’s books that he reads and helps him in his studies throughout school.

Ikumi Mori – Alex’s grandmother, like his mother he has a very close relationship with her having spent much of his childhood helping in her garden. There he grew an appreciation towards Evomon and their ecosystems, his gentle nature coming through when he’d removed a BuiBui from the garden and bringing it to the forest to be released. Ikumi is his primary go to in sharing what he’s written in his journal that she gifted him on his 9th birthday.

Uzi Mori – Alex’s uncle and his father’s older brother, having a closer relationship with Uzi at the beginning over his father due to his father’s coldness towards his asocial personality. It was Uzi who made Haruki open up to Alex in stating that every child learns and grows up at different paces. It was also his idea to have Alex follow around his son Yukiya around Pawdiam City to help boost his confidence.

KanaMori – Alex’s aunt, he was shy towards her at first but eventually opened up to her when she offered to show him how she cooked one of his favourite dishes. She had always supported Alex and was very gentle in her approaches with him, she quite enjoys hearing about Alex and Yukiya’s adventures from her son after they’ve been out for the day.

Yukiya Mori – Alex’s eldest cousin, having a very vibrant and outgoing personality which can make him come across as very loud. Not afraid to speak up on things, being the complete opposite of Alex. Alex enjoys hanging out with his eldest cousin, helping him in more social situations and getting into new things with Yukiya. Yukiya gifted Alex 4 packs of pens for his trip to Candea, saying it’s enough for him to write out all his adventures to share with him when he returns.

Mel Illa – Alex’s school teacher and one of the top professors in Cinaba, Alex didn’t have too much trouble speaking with her unlike other teachers in the school. Primarily due to her not appearing human, being the same as the other top professors in other regions having a fully cybernetic body. She encouraged Alex’s desire to help Evomon and had offered to help him with this if he so chose to.


Nooki –The family Evomon, Nooki was Alex’s very first childhood friend being prominent in his more comfortable zone in speaking. His parents initially thought Alex was born mute due to never wanting to speak at first, before discovering he was more open talking to Nooki. Nooki follows Alex around Pawdiam City especially when he goes on hikes, Nooki was sad when Alex left home.

Cinaba School Evomon –The school Evomon that Alex had most social interactions with, it’s currently unknown what these Evomon are.

Remni –Alex’s chosen starter Evomon, having a very timid and skittish nature. Alex takes things slow with Remni, not forcing him to do anything or even engage in fights he doesn’t want to.