
  M I S T E R2598564_ippYsMU01W71M9t.jpg F O R K  

"Don't worry, everything always turns out fine, right?"


 Quick Info  


Abel Fork




Utensil [Eating - Plastic Fork]

 Alive | Rotten/Broken  


 Birthday | Sign  

Sep. 12 | Virgo

 Home in Kitcheside | Business  

Utensil Avenue [Previously Broken Tool Precinct] | Greeter at a grocery store

♥Love Interest♥

Ms. Greengrass [owned by 1greengrass1/greengrass]

 MTBI Type  



Panic!At The Disco - Nine in the Afternoon | Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Heads Will Roll





Quiet Fork, while an extrovert, is actually rather quiet and prefers listening to others to talking and will rarely say more than a few sentences worth of words to many. Volume-wise he's quiet too, it can become quite difficult to hear him when he forgets to make an effort to be louder or is just too tired to. Fork can be outgoing, starting conversations and friendships, he just likes to initiate them and get quiet to listen to others' stories, partially in part of the fact that when he has talked at length about himself or things that have happened in the past, he's nearly let his secret slip -- something that must be prevented at all costs.
Kind Fork is a kind man, and will drop everything he's doing in order to help, making him a good candidate for customer service jobs. He's tolerant and polite to boot, and his exceptional attitude and ability to defuse many situations with his mediation abilities is something he prides himself in greatly. The only people Fork refuses to be kind to are Orange and Metal Fork, to which he is excessively rude and spiteful towards. He tries his best to be a shoulder to cry on for many, and refuses to show the burden of other's tears, no matter how taxing it may be on him.
Anxious/Paranoid Fork is somewhat easy to cause to flip out because he's always paranoid about being found out and possibly has undiagnosed PTSD from being in Broken Precinct for a while. Because of this, Fork has huge fears that include, but are not limited to: losing his scarf or having it forcibly removed, any contact with his neck, being submerged in water, or big bodies of water, though many things can trigger a panic attack as long as he can associate it with being killed or with the Broken Precinct. He's also quite paranoid of losing his loved ones, which leads him to being quite overprotective of his family.
Quick to Internalize things Fork is used to being there for others, not the other way around, especially not after what happened with Orange. Fork is uncomfortable with sharing his feelings with anyone, because of his secrets. He will often deny that anything's wrong even when there is obviously something wrong and will try to work it out himself so he doesn't feel like he's dragging others down.
Fun Fork, despite his quietness, expresses a love for jokes and games and will drop almost anything for a good round of a board game or videogame.

 Background Summary  


Wip sorry




Mr. Orange   Fork, in literary terms, is Mr. Orange's perfect foil. Mr. Fork is almost the exact opposite of Orange, being truly kind rather than Orange's facade of sweetness. Fork really hates Orange and it's hard for the citrus not to bring out the less savory side of Fork when they're together. Orange is also responsible for Fork's murder, so he may be a bit bitter about that, as well. And they used to be so close, too. Neither Fork nor Orange remember what initially drove them apart, but whatever it had been forged a rivalry that won't be forgotten nearly as easy.
Salad Fork   Fork's pride and joy, his daughter. He tries his best to give her the world, so when she wants to be the daughter of Mr. Glasses, it hurts him a lot. He hopes that it's just a phase though, but he's also worried it's not and that she really does hate him and so he wonders constantly if he's doing something wrong, because he wants his kids to love him and live the best life possible.
Dr. Cocoa Powder   Orange dislikes Cocoa Powder, but in a way is also grateful to her. It's because of her that he didn't internalize his true nature, but at the same time that may not be a good thing. Sometimes he'll have a sudden pang of guilt, but that will quickly be replaced by anger at Cocoa Powder because Orange blames her for what he does. He's actually a bit afraid of her because he makes her out to be worse and scarier than she is in his head because of the trauma he had related to her.
Fork Salad   Fork enjoys hanging out with his son, and shows a more childish side around him, acting almost more like a friend than a parent sometimes. Though, he will do his best to be a parent when it's necessary. Fork is often tired out after playing with Fork Salad though, because his son is very active. But Fork is happy about this, the healthier his kids can be, the better, even if it leaves him worn out.
Mr. Oreo   Oreo is Fork's best friend, though Fork laments the fact that he's close with Orange but thinks he'd sound insane if he explained. Upon Oreo's sudden disappearance, Fork became distraught and slightly more paranoid about Orange than before. Before he disappeared, Oreo and Fork were pretty close and would hang out often. Oreo's close enough that Fork had actually considered telling Oreo the truth about how alive he is because that's a large secret to keep, but then Oreo vanished.
Ms. Greengrass   Fork's beloved wife and pretty much the main thing keeping him sane. Ms. Greengrass is also technically the main reason Fork is 'alive', having died before he could confess. Somehow, Fork managed to win her over and now they're a happy couple, though Fork hasn't revealed the truth about being broken and doesn't plan to. Fork can hardly imagine a life without her now, and to lose her because he's broken would devastate him beyond repair.
Ms. Rotten Peach   Ms. Rotten Peach is someone Fork met while he was in the Broken Tool Precinct. Little did he know at the time, The trees that the rotten get strung to in the Rot District are quite close to the lake that Broken Tool Precinct is in. They used to talk about what it was like when they were alive, Ms. Rotten Peach telling about her bad experiences with Orange (thus fueling Fork's dislike of the citrus) and convincing Fork to try to get away and get the girl. Fork still thinks fondly of Rotten Peach as she was a good friend.
Metal Fork   Fork has pretty much cut contact with his sleazy, good-for-nothing older brother and doesn't plan on ever meeting with him if he can help it. They haven't talked for years, and Metal Fork is one of the few people Fork will openly express contempt about. Fork doesn't think Metal Fork is a good influence on his kids, and the fact that he's going out with Fork's ex (And has been even before Spoon broke up with Fork) doesn't help much. Fork detests pretty much everything about Metal Fork. Fork also suspects that Metal Fork was in on his murder, because the hate is pretty mutual.