Eaton Bankes



4 years, 1 day ago


Name: Eaton Bankes
Age: 29
Gender: He/Him, Cis Male

A recent addition to Timberline Falls, Eaton and his little sister are from Maine and claim to have come to Alaska in hopes of a better life. He’s only been in town since December but already has become an active part of the community who goes out of his way to involve himself in whatever’s happening.

He tends to spend his early mornings working at the Black Elk diner, though by afternoon Eaton’s activities are far more dubious. Those more paranoid may notice that his arrival coincides with the recent death of Johanna Riddles, a waitress in town, who was a victim of the many suspected wolf killings. This is anything but a coincidence. The Riddles and Eaton have worked closely together for years. Tracking lost product, keeping an eye on competition, etc. While not solely employed by this family of bootleggers, they’ve formed a close bond. So, it’s no surprised that when the Riddles’ estranged daughter ends up dead, they’d hire Eaton to figure out what the hell’s going on 

... Easier said than done. Timberlines only got one sheriff, and he’s not very fond of Eaton poking his nose around.

. He drives an old beat-up 1940's Dodge Pickup.
. Height is 6 feet.
. Has legal guardianship of River, looking to enroll her in public school.
. Also has a greyhound named Donner, neither he nor River are very happy about Alaska's weather.
. Kieran, and anyone he chooses to tell are the only ones who know Eaton is a private investigator.
. Obviously really good at finding information, may volunteer himself to help people track down information/people if the chance appears. Will cutely request pay. <3 No freebies, babes.
. HUGE fan of Stephen King and horror novels overall.
.. Currently resides in Cherry Motel, with how long things are taking though he intends to move into Woodland Apartments by mid-February.