


4 years, 8 days ago

Basic Info

Total worth:



NUMBER (467) Owner: Jess

Name: Naeera

Age: 7 y.o

Bloodline: Søvngard

Birthdate: April 24th

Upload Date: October 24th, 2020

Sexuality: Bisexual

Gender: Female

Status: N/A

Parents: N/A (Same parents as Rak'nar)

Cubs: here N/A

Personality: She's really easygoing, like a big momma, she will always take care of the others she care about, and would fight you to death for those she considers friends. She's soft and sweet most of the time but has a warrior side she never leaves behind. 

History: She has no memories of her past years, all she remembers is waking up in a forest badly injured on the back of her head, and Marlow taking care of her wounds. She stayed by Marlow's side  and later formed a small pack with Taharka. Marlow agreed as deep down he didn't like to be alone and being three it was easier to hunt, so Naeera lives with them since then. 

Random facts: She sometimes really acts like a caring momma. 

Stats: STR – 8 | RES – 4 | WIS – 9 | CHA – 6 | DEX – 3 

Traits: Ears: R | Tails: L | Fangs: UC | Size: R  | Eyes: C |

Mutation: N/A

Special Base: N/A