Ani's Comments

I can offer Character swaps and If you like a character I can Add on as much art to the character as you want to make it even. I can also do art as much as it takes.

Feel Free to look in any folder disregard money only just have a look around lol only folder off limits is pending:

Here are my art examples, If you want art please tell me what type of art and how much you want and dm me with ref sheets on Instagram @Eddie_Da_Direwolf (I can do anything but NSFW):

You can also look on this account Im willing to offer some of these lads, Only lads off limits is anyone in Organized Chaos and Music Characters (I will link the folders you can look in so its easier :3):

If none of this interests you thank you for your time and you know where to contact me if you change your mind or just want them gone ^^

Slay the day away -Eddie