


3 years, 11 months ago


Bird dude Leap wanted a quiet life; making music in his basement, avoiding the daylight thanks to his messy sleep schedule, the usual. At this point it's apparent that literally everything in his life is conspiring against that. (At least a certain local menance is. Leap's life would be a good 50% less stressful if not for the robot attacks. He hates the robot attacks.) 

Leap is a quiet guy, keeps to himself for the most part, but will absolutely pay you back if you wrong him. Leap has a hard time letting things go, even smaller things like all the times his friend has humiliated him in board games. The only correct response, of course, is to stay up all night reading strategy guides to guarantee a victory on consecutive runs. Said friend didn't mind, and was mostly happy to have his friend more invested in the stuff he was also into.

Leap enjoys the company of others to an extent, but also occasionally locks himself in to concentrate on a project and needs to be dragged out (as long as a destruction machine isn't doing the dragging, Leap doesn't complain). He knows what's good for him, but at times it can take some help to get there.