Unknown plague friend



4 years, 1 month ago


I had this really vivid dream where unsurprisingly I was travelling with a plague doctor but the police hated them for some reason and they caught us and took us to a hospital?? And we were the same age and they separated us but before they did I hugged the doc and I've never felt that much raw emotion

After i was separated from said travel companion the cops forced me into this small hospital room turned jail cell with a small white bed and what looked to be a single bulletproof window. after hours in that room, i decided that i no longer wanted to be there and opened the door, which was surprisingly unlocked?? and i walked forward for a bit and there was this nurse-cop who tried to rush me, and held a needle full of sedatives to my neck?? and then i passed out. and then i "woke up" (in-dream,) and i was sitting in a chair, and in front of me was more thick glass?? and on the other side was my plague doctor buddy?? and we were banging on the glass, and the asshole cops started shooting and then i woke up???

the weird thing is i KNOW we weren't dead??? i'm fairly sure it was tranq they were shooting

i know the docs first name, i think it was Laurence?? still, don't know if they were a guy or a girl

they had an accent that was between british and french??/