Shuro Burachello



4 years, 10 days ago


Name: Sherone Burachello
Alias: Shuro
Age: 20+ (9 at the beginning of the story)
Gender: Non-binary (They/them)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Species: Human
Magic alignment: Light
Region of origin: Water region of Maras
Languages Spoken: English, Patois

Height: 172 cm
Weight: ?
Hair Color: Purple
Eye Color: Yellow
Battle Marks (Scars, missing body parts, etc.): Slit eyebrow, burn scars on her back
Body Shape: Lean and muscular

Seems held back and distant in social interactions. Doesn’t engage in small talk with strangers, which makes her seem anti-social. Doesn’t talk about herself much.

Has an increased personal bubble, seems quickly irritated when interacting with strangers. Has a hard time opening up to strangers.

Struggles to enjoy the moment and let go of unreasonable tension. Hinders her in having a good time. She takes important things seriously.

Especially to those close to her, she will do anything to keep them safe. Prone to getting into dangerous situations to save others.

Having dealt with expectations from others so much, she developed an indifference to the opinions from others, at least to the outside world.

Mentally strong
Has gone through so many stressful situations, that she doesn’t easily break down. Additional stress doesn’t phase her easily anymore.


Once she has a goal in mind, she will work very hard to pursue that goal.

Once she’s comfortable around a person and her barriers are down, she’s a genuinely kind person. Loves listening to stories and cares for the wellbeing of others.

Generally doesn't have a very expressive face. Her default expression seems rather dull and emotionless, but this doesn't mean she's incapable of smiling. Around friends and family she's more relaxed.


Siblings (Oldest to youngest): Sidney, Severide, Shagg, Sean and Shuzo.

Despite having the rare Light element, Shuro disliked her element for a good part of her childhood. It was reason she was taken from her family. Light magic is best known for healing capabilities, but it was discovered that Shuro completely lacks this ability. This has a direct effect on the way she uses her magic in combat. Normally, Light users would sustain themselves with their healing spells. Instead, Shuro has maximized her speed, evasive capabilities and raw damage output, to make up for her poor defensive capabilites and lack of healing. She focuses on getting the upper hand as fast as possible while minimizing damage to herself, by dodging incoming attacks, overwhelming the opponent and dealing as much damage as possible.

Known spells: (WIP)
- Laser beams
- Photon Rush
- Photon Saber
- Faenix Wings
- Blinding flash


Born as Sherone, the second youngest, before her twin sister as the fifth sibling in the Burachello family. She enjoyed a big, happy family in a fishing village in Maras. Although her family wasn't the wealthiest, she never had to worry about being hungry. As twins, Shuro and her sister were inseparable, and she got along well with her brothers too. 

When she first learned to talk, her mother was trying to get her daughter to say her own name. Inexperienced, instead of "Sherone", she more or less said something that sounded like "Shuro". Her mother loved the sound of it, and from that point forward, her family refered to her as Shuro. She would use this name throughout her whole life, some people never even knowing her birth name.

At age 8, as is normal, she discovered the element she's affiliated with. A big moment for every child, it turned into an even bigger deal when it turned out Shuro had Light magic. Her parents were proud of their daughters, but also a little worried, as her younger twin had Dark magic. Shuro was happy at first, but things began to change quickly. People began to push themselves onto Shuro, wanted her attention constantly. For she had a rare, desirable element. At first, she was happy to have more friends, but she noticed that nobody would do the same with her sister. In fact, she noticed people were ostracizing Shuzo, even bullying her. She asked her mother why they were treated differently, and told her she didn't like it. 

Extra Info:

  • Has a Jamaican accent. In public, you can understand her pretty well, but at home or with her family it gets way more noticeable and difficult to understand for outsiders.
  • Has a friendly rivalry with Joleen Fox.