℘ - Zestar



The Appleglimmer foals are the light and fun of Olde Ponyville.

Though their parents have a famous and illustrious past, they know nothing of such a life and live humbly in town. They are mischievous and love having fun.

They can always be found following the lead of their friend Tree Cutter.

Zestar is the oldest, and most cautious of the siblings. He is much too shy to truly be the voice of reason, but he is always looking after his siblings.

Api Etoile is the next oldest. She is the most troublemaking of the siblings and always dives head first into danger.

Cosmic Crisp is the youngest, and though a very quiet colt, he always seems ready for anything!

Cutie Mark: A shooting star apple


Name: Zestar

Nicknames: n/a

Pronouns: he/him

Talent: He is very good at cultivating apples off season, and kept apple saplings alive and thriving even during the winter months!

Personality: Hesitant, nervous, optimistic, mother-hen

Parents: Applejack + Starlight Glimmer

Sibling(s): Api Etoile, Cosmic Crisp

S/O: n/a