Joōsai Akui



3 years, 11 months ago


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Joōsai Akui

Overview Plot Relationships Quotes

ddo5ln2-80e191e3-5d46-4c07-853b-2e4611a9   Get away from me, you look disgustingddo5ln9-6f919c55-9d47-4bd2-afca-5f0312d0

― Joōsai Akui

Joōsai Akui

 Kanji アリノ・ヤノ
 Rōmanji Akui Joōsai
Character Information
 Also Known As The Prettiest Girl You’ve Ever Seem (by herself)
My High Maintenance Girlfriend (by Sachirō)
Jojo (by Masei)
Goth-looking Chick
 Gender Female
 Date of Birth  November 15, 1995
 Age 16 - 17 (High School 2nd Year)
22-23 (Nov 2018)
 Height 167 cm - April 2012
169.6 cm - Nov 2018
 Weight 46 kg (101 lbs)
 Hometown Nagano Prefecture
 Home Country Japan
Background Information
 Family Unnamed Parents
Mase Akui
 Goal To become student council president
 Likes Sparkling Water
 Dislikes Talkative people
Professional Status
 Occupation Highschool Student (2nd Year, Class 6) - 2012
Psychology Student - November 2018
Suicide Hotline Volunteer - November 2018
 Club(s) Student Council (Former)
 Position Treasurer
Seiyu Information
 Voice Actor Mamiko Noto

Joōsai Akui (Japanese: ジュースアクイ Akui Joōsai) is a psychology student who volunteers for Japan’s national suicide hotline. Prior to that, she was a student council treasurer, and a second-year student at Kamomedai High School.


Joōsai is described to be pretty, having an “elegant” look to her. She has short curly black hair, an aesthetic similar to Snow White’s. She has brown eyes with eyelashes on the bottom of her eyes (though the top has lashes sometimes due to mascara), and pale skin. Additionally, she has a somewhat small face. She wears minimal makeup, usually just putting on foundation in the morning. She also has a large forehead due to her hairline being relatively high.

She has bangs that reach to slightly below her chin, which she straightens. The rest of her hair is curly with braids on the side wrapping around. In middle school, she had slightly longer hair and an ugly bowl cut.

She’s pretty tall, being 167 cm, yet having a really skinny frame due to her weight being only 46kg. Though she has a skinny weight, she has a large chest size.

She wears the standard Kamomedai uniform, but with slight alterations such as the lack of the tie and not wearing leggings. Her casual style is inspired by pretty street wear, and she generally doesn’t wear anything skin tight due to her feeling self conscious wearing revealing clothes.

In the timeskip, she gets bangs that cover her forehead and also begins to straighten her hair. She also becomes a more healthy weight, and is more active and fit.


At first glance, Joōsai seems like a proper and elegant lady, but this narrative quickly changes when she opens her mouth. She often talks highly of herself, constantly boasting her looks, intelligence, and social status. She is very repetitive with her words, and often talks about herself in conversations. However, these words aren’t so others think that, but to reassure herself.

Additionally, she is the epitome of popular, yet not well respected. While she has many friends and is among one of the more popular girls in her grade, many don’t wish to associate with her. She has no filter, often telling people directly what she thinks of them, regardless of it being positive or negative. In fact, she has often told people to their face “you’re pretty damn disgusting”. As a result, there’s a lot of people who dislike her.

She is a fairly smart student, even being put in an advanced class. She takes notes on just about every little thing the teacher says, because she doesn’t want to get any information wrong. She’s surprisingly quiet during then, not causing as much of a ruckus compared to outside of classes.

She can come off as childish sometimes, in both good and bad ways. While it can make her seem cute and soft, she also is annoying and clingy. She often gets into small fits of rage, and gives people the cold shoulder.

While on surface level she appears to be a confident girl, she suffers from having an inferiority complex. More often than not, she beats herself up on every little thing, such as getting mad if her hair looks bad, or she eats too much junk food. Though she is a jack of all trades, she considers herself to be a master of none. She refuses to be transparent with people, because she doesn’t want anyone to know she isn’t the confident girl she makes herself out to be.

She is a very jealous and bitter person, as she dislikes people who seem so happy and content with themselves, while she has such low self esteem. Because of this, she resorts to insulting people so maybe they can feel how she feels about herself. She is also the type to make everything about herself, she constantly shifts the conversation to talk about herself and she has little interest in getting to know more about others.

Slowly but surely, she stops making as many mean statements over time, and gets out of her negative mindset. She ends up having a talk with her parents about what she had gone through since her brother’s death, and they felt sad that their daughter felt that way when they simply wanted her to be happy. As well as this, Hirugami was a good influence on her, and helped her to think more rationally and calmly.

Over time, she mellows down and becomes much more friendly and open to others by the time she graduates from highschool. She grows more to listen to other’s emotions, and decides to pursue the job of a therapist. She volunteers part time as an operator of Japan’s suicide hotline.


Joōsai grew up in an upper middle class family in a nice neighborhood, with a brother 5 years older, and both of her parents. She was the apple of her parents’ eyes, and often got praised for how cute of a child she is from family friends. Meanwhile, her brother was a stellar straight A student, so her parents truly thought they had it all.

Growing up, she had an easy time in school. She was popular due to her pretty looks, and even had a lot of intelligence. Many of the teachers and fellow students found her likable, and very charismatic. In fact, she was elected student council president in her last year of elementary school, and secretary in her first year of middle school.

However, things went downhill for her during her second year of middle school. Her family got the news that her brother had gotten drunk during a college party, and ended up driving under the influence. Because of this, he had a car crash and died upon impact. Joōsai and her parents were devastated by the news, surprised he would even make a decision like that to begin with.

She started to resent her brother for it, thinking it was his fault for making a dumb choice like that. While her parents only wanted for their daughter to be happy and make good choices after seeing the tragedy that occurred, Joōsai had put pressure on herself, wanting to be good enough for both her and her brother. She became obsessive over every little thing she did, and beat herself up over any imperfections, leading her to spiral downwards. Because of this, she shut herself off from other people and practically locked herself up in her room most of the days, eventually leading to an eating disorder due to her wanting herself to look “perfect”.

She slowly became more aggressive with others, and saying mean things not meant to offend the other person, but more or less a reassurance to herself. She didn’t want to be a weak and vulnerable girl, so she built up a fake confidence. She became loud and “ratchet”, basically becoming an obnoxious and annoying girl.

When high school came around, she was practically infamous for her pretty looks, yet asshole personality. She had a lot of friends, but just as many people who disliked her. However, she managed to get herself the role of student council treasurer, but was refused a higher position due to only being a first year. She decided to maintain this position.


Original Statistics




Game Sense




Joōsai isn’t very athletic, only participating in sports when it’s required for PE. She doesn’t have much energy due to her not eating very much, therefore not getting nutrients that keep her supplemented. However, she has a good memory and understands rules in sports really well.


  • Current Concern: How do you cover up a big forehead?
  • Favorite food: Sashimi
  • She loves animals, she has a soft spot for cats and dogs.
  • While she would rather die than tell anyone this, she cries watching romance shows.
  • She has never lost a pencil in her entire life.
  • She likes rock music, especially Avril Lavigne.
  • Her star sign is Scorpio
  • She sleeps a lot, often taking long naps.