Blue Thunder



4 years, 13 days ago


Another space pirate bird! This one was based mostly off a peacock, however there are some raptor traits in there as well

Blue Thunder is a space pirate bird with his partner in crime and best friend, Red Dew. Blue Thunder is called Blue for short, and is the more aloof and fun of the two birds. He'll often act clueless and more or less harmless. He has become a master of holding up the facade, to the point it's become something he doesn't even have to think about while he does it. With that being said, Blue won't hesitate to drop it and do whatever it takes to protect Red Dew, should he be in danger.

Despite his aloof and innocent exterior, on the inside, Blue Thunder is a seasoned criminal. He could commit murder and not even bat an eye, if that's what was called for. However, since Red Dew seems to not wish to resort to such things, he refrains from letting this cold side of him show most of the time. And while Blue Thunder can use just about any weapon that comes his way, the only ones he truly needs are his wits and his words.

Blue Thunder actually originated as a design for an af discord server dftpay claim that I couldn't let go of, like Red Dew