


7 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Celine Yevara


"Celine" means sky or heaven but I just chose the name cause it sounded pretty what a coincidence


She's angry, she's threatening, she's salty... she's about two feet tall.

Celine began as a being of great power, supposed to be a benevolent guardian over a large region. Her rule was more just than fair, as all crimes were punished equally but rewards were often forgotten. No person was able to hold her accountable to her own failings and character flaws, so it was about two hundred years before a group of seven were able to pin her down and strip her of her power. Terrified, Celine used the last of her strength to escape to the world she had so heartlessly ruled over.


Celine is a Toridell loyalist to the core. Elite society loves her and praise her for her attributes. By appearance, Celine has every attribute one could want. She's courting a high-ranking military officer, she was born into money and has only increased it in her lifetime, she's fit enough to be pretty, she stands with her country... she is a coward to the bone, but nothing serious has tested her on that yet. After all, she only fights the battles she was sure to win from the start.

(idk if this all will stay but here it is)