

4 years, 1 month ago


The Lady Serenifortis Adamantea, or 𝙰𝙳𝙰𝙼𝙰𝙽𝚃𝙴𝙰, the Witch of Integrity.  A White Witch, and a Voyager Witch who detests unfair contests.  Although she was once part of an Alliance of Witches, they have since gone their separate ways after reaching certain thresholds of power; however, she often travels with a companion Witch from that very alliance.  Capable of understanding the hearts and minds of almost anything, and particularly capable of emphasizing with furniture.

Unlike her companion, she almost always refuses to wield the Red Truth, as she sees it as being a heartless object. Limiting herself to the Blue Truth sometimes causes problems, but her resolve is unshakeable, and it seems unlikely she will soon change her mind.

Surely, if you believe hard enough, you may overcome any obstacle in your way.

According to her, she was once trapped in a situation where the way to escape was to take a great fate upon herself and be left alone.  Her selfish desire to continue to exist and experience, and her refusal of the available escape, lead to her ascension into a Voyager Witch.  To this day, she has never directly spoken of who from the Senate recognized her as a Witch.

Her magical abilities may be powerful, but she prefers to fight with her fists and consign her magic to defense.  As long as she truly believes in herself and her cause, her shield cannot be broken.
Notoriously, she can be persuaded to abandon some of her scruples if a beautiful woman requests it of her.