Asteria Catrina



4 years, 11 days ago


Name: Asteria Catrina

Nickname: Star Baby

Age: ??? Bro honestly she forgot

Pronouns: She/Her/They

Current Home Location: Denver, Colorado 

Birthday: May 4th

Star Sign: Taurus

Height: 4'11

Weight: 75 lbs / 34 kg

Race/Ethnicity: TBU 

Sexual Orientation: Love! (???)

Relationship Status: Meep


Hair: White and wavy, usually tied back in a low ponytail

Eyes: Left is a gray pink, right is a burnt orange

Scars: One large scar on her right thigh, and another over her left eye

Tattoos: :)


-Parents:  Luna Catrina (Mother) and Massacre Catrina (Father)

-Siblings: Yanluo Reaper (Brother), Shea Adler (Sister)

-Extended Family: Judas Miller Jr. (Aunt), Bonepuff (Skeleton Puppy)

-Love Interest: Louder Meep

-Friends: Everyone she can talk to!



Physical/Mental Illnesses: TBU

Uses Drugs, Smokes, or Drinks Alcohol: TBU

Likes: Musicals, Piggyback rides, Cuddling, Interpretive dance, Space!

Dislikes: Being bullied over her height, sour candy

Hobbies: Composing music, Stargazing, Writing, Painting (her work is very...abstract, to say the least)

Education: Haha, funny joke

Occupation: Vibing

Secrets: :3

Fears: TBU

Goals: TBU


-Food: Milky Way candy bars for the meme, someone introduced her to mooncakes and now she's obsessed!

-Drink: Strawberry milkshakes, pink lemonade

-Color: Black, Red, Actually all colors are pretty neat!

-Animal: All of them are super cool, but she likes bats! 

-Number: 9, the number of planets in the Solar System! (She wanted Pluto to be included)

-Holiday: Lunar New Year, she loves the Lantern Festival!

-Season: Winter

-Genre of Music: Trance (duh), but also japanese indie rock and meditation mixes 

History: TBD

Personality: Asteria is a constantly spaced out daydreaming dumbass who usually bumps into a wall two or three times before making it through a door. She speaks about one word per minute, and gets distracted by a passing speck of dust, but if you stay to listen to her she'll be your best friend. She's very affectionate, often kissing people on the cheek and giving them huge hugs. She loves to help people in whatever ways she can...she may not the brightest crayon in the box, but she's always trying her very best!

Quote: TBU


-Serial Daydreamer

-Surprisingly smart, but only uses her intelligence approximately once per hour

-She wants to fall in love and live out her gothic romance novel fantasy so bad