
7 years, 4 months ago


Name: Rodrick 

Nickname: Roddi, Ro

Age: 26

Species: Australian cattle dog

Height: 6'5" 

Build: Bulky-thicc, kinda stocky

Gender: Male

Face claim: A.K.A. Elijah Kamski from Detroit: Become Human

Personal Info

-Almost always wears his hair in a bun.

Backstory: TBA,. He lives in a small city and works as a programmer. Got his degree from an IT school on the other side of the country. Big daddy issues. Lives in a nice house quite a few miles outside the city. Has an indoor lap pool. Very modern look. Does not like to talk about his personal life and can become angry, violent when people push the subject.

Peronality: Can be kind of a dick sometimes, both intentionally and unintentionally. Likes to say outrageous things to watch how others react. Always seems like he knows something you don't. Loves to debate morality. Builds robots in his spare time. Loves to work out in his house's personal gym; he has made his own work out program to keep track of his progress.