Content Warning

Mature Content Warning

This page has been marked as containing mature content. By continuing, you acknowledge that you are 18 years old or over.

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

I have all kinds of characters, wholesome and reprehensible alike. There could be just about anything in here. As a rather obvious aside, portrayal of a characteristic or action does not equate to my personal beliefs or endorsement. Representation does not equal respect. 

In addition, I have found it necessary to add a warning here about me: I am a transmasc manliker and polyamorous individual. If you somehow find it difficult to "accept" me as being a person or deserving rights/respect, make use of your back button or let me know so I can make use of my block. 

¤ Tread carefully if you

|are a minor 

|dislike/are triggered by horror themes, violence, or blood

|don't like clowns 🤡

¤ Do Not Interact if: |Homo/Trans/Polyphobe


|anti-abortion ("Pro-Life") 



|Endorse "cryptocurrency"

|Endorse AI "Art": use of AI to 'generate' art to replace human efforts / for sale

|Racist / Nationalist / Fascist

| Support Andrew Tate / Elon Musk / Scumbags like them

Now that we have cleared that up, I am 18+, and by continuing past character warnings, you are agreeing to potentially see/read things intended for 18+ eyes.

While I will tag things separately to be transparent, this is just to be sure all are duly warned of any future content.

Interact with my creations and others' I own responsibly.

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

Korny is a killer klown. This is self-explanatory. Do not go near him without being prepared. In other words, you have been warned. Do not proceed if you are susceptible to frightening and/or 'unsafe' imagery.

Korny is a grown adult that does grown adult things, and may include art of said things. This may include the recreational use of drugs, nudity, expressing sexuality, violent acts and the like. They will be tagged, but please be aware and take your safety into account when bypassing tags.

Please note your consent will be stored in cookies until your session is closed.

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