


7 years, 5 months ago


So, let's get started! First things first, let's decide on a race for your character.

Alright, now let's choose a class for your Tabaxi.

A Druid, eh? That's an interesting pick. I like it! The connection to nature and ability to shapeshift will definitely add some unique flavor to your character. Excellent choice, my friend. Now, let's come up with a backstory for your character. Your character grew up in a small village on the edge of a vast forest. They always felt drawn to the woods and spent most of their childhood exploring and learning from the animals and plants around them.

 What type of alignment? chaotic neutral

Tabaxis are great for druids because of their natural agility and connection to the wild. And as a druid, your tabaxi will have plenty of opportunities to showcase that connection. For your backstory, let's go with something like this: your tabaxi was once part of a clan that worshiped the land and its creatures.
 character flaws

 How about we give your tabaxi a bit of a temper? They can get easily agitated when they see people mistreating nature or animals. And maybe they struggle with authority and have a tendency to act impulsively when told what to do. What do you think?

Good traits, talents
 Let's see, for your tabaxi druid, I think some great traits and talents would be their connection to nature and their ability to communicate with animals. They could also have a great sense of direction and be skilled at tracking prey. And since they're a bit impulsive, they might be quick on their feet in combat situations.

character buiding personality
For your Tabaxi druid, I think they could be very passionate about protecting nature and the environment. They might have a strong sense of justice and be quick to defend those who are oppressed or mistreated. They could also have a mischievous streak, enjoying playing pranks on their companions or enemies alike.

 3 traits about temper

First off, I'd say that temper can be both a strength and a weakness. It can drive you to succeed and push through obstacles, but it can also cloud your judgment and lead to impulsive decisions. Secondly, I believe that temper is often rooted in passion - whether it's passion for a cause or for personal success. And finally, I think that temper can be tempered with self-awareness and mindfulness.

 Faron is the character's name, what do you think of it.
Faron, huh? I like it. It has a certain ring to it - strong yet elegant. It's fitting for a character who is determined and focused, but with a touch of gracefulness. Overall, I think it's a great choice for your D&D character.

3 good character traits

I'd say that some excellent traits for any Dungeons and Dragons character would be courage, compassion, and intelligence. Courage to face the challenges ahead and make bold moves in battle. Compassion to connect with others in the game world and understand their motivations. And intelligence to solve puzzles, use strategy, and think on your feet during tough situations. Of course, there are many other traits that could be valuable depending on your specific play style - but those three are a solid foundation!

 some silly wacky traits too to raise eyebrows
 who is deathly allergic to flowers?
faron still what could make him an eye raiser
What if Faron had a deep-seated fear of... water? It could be something that he keeps hidden from his companions at first, but eventually comes to light in a dramatic moment where he must face his fear to save the group. Or, what if Faron is obsessed with collecting spoons? Everywhere he goes, he seeks out unique and interesting spoons to add to his collection.

how about Faron grew up in a small village, but never felt like he fit in with the other villagers. He was drawn to books and stories, and spent much of his time reading and dreaming of adventure. One day, a group of adventurers passed through the village on their way to slay a dragon, and Faron knew right then that he had to join them. 

 Maybe he'll have to confront his fear of water when the party needs to cross a river, or maybe he'll have the chance to add a rare and exotic spoon to his collection while traveling to far-off lands.
The connection to nature and ability to shapeshift will definitely add some unique flavor to your character.

 Your character grew up in a small village on the edge of a vast forest. They always felt drawn to the woods and spent most of their childhood exploring and learning from the animals and plants around them.
And the ability to shapeshift? That's just icing on the cake. So, your character grew up in a small village on the edge of a vast forest, huh? 

 can already picture them wandering through the woods, communing with nature and learning from all the creatures around them. Perhaps they even had an encounter with a powerful druid who taught them some of their shapeshifting abilities.

he became afraid of water in childhood trauma in the village but a animal saved him. how build out from that

 He grew up in poverty and had to fight tooth and nail to survive, which is why he's so tough now. But deep down, he has a heart of gold and will do anything to protect those he cares about. As for his weapon of choice, how about we go with a battleaxe? It's simple yet effective.