Basic Info


Chris Cybernine

Date of Birth

15th November 1995






6ft 2"












Cybernetics Experiment




Patient, easygoing, conversational, argumentative, slow-witted.


Computers, money, games, art, sleeping, politics, fizzy drinks, music, public speaking, holidays.


Cold weather, socialism, virtue signaling, globalism, printers, mess, wasps, menial labour, pestering, rain.


The result of an experiment in biomechanical engineering, Chris - or as he's known by his full name Chris Cybernine - was formerly a human who has since become almost entirely artificially enhanced due to a series of experiments conducted on his body, headed by himself as both the manager and subject of these experiments. He has since come to take on a new identity as an almost completely cybernetic canine, a cyborg in the sense that while his exterior has since become entirely robotic, his internals remain in the same organic structure that they once were. Armed with an assortment of extraordinary abilities, Chris Cybernine has seen various revisions of his body with notable changes and enhancements to his form. The complete changelog can be found detailed below this paragraph. As a human, he was 20 years old at the time that his upgrade was conducted, standing at 6ft 2" and working as a former IT Engineer. As the creator now speaking to you directly, Chris is the individual I consider to be my main fursona, as evidenced by the fact that he is named after myself, and shares many similar traits that I do myself in real life. Obviously as far as real life goes, I'm a human, but in the online world this is the identity I take on as my persona/fursona/whatever you want to call it. The human prior to his upgrade was indeed modelled on myself, so any character traits demonstrated in this particular sona can potentially be attributed to myself in real life. This extends to first name, date of birth, age, height, sexuality, ideology, personality, likes and dislikes as detailed above, so if you wish to consider this persona as a preview to the mind of the person behind the creations found on this page, this is the way to do it. Chris is a take on myself as a means by which to create a memorable image for myself online. In much the same way I wear a second skin as far as identity goes in the online world, Chris Cybernine too wears a second skin, the cybernetic metal overlay covering the flesh of his internals, as an ironic way of portraying myself to the many people I encounter in the online world every day. Unlike myself in real life however, Chris Cybernine is armed with a varying range of artificial capabilities and strengths, most notably his ability to utilise energy and matter as both a weapon and a source to keep his metal body operational. Any changes and modifications to his abilities will be found detailed below, but certain aspects will remain the same throughout each revision, perhaps most prominently his choice of clothing. Chris wears a black hoodie and black trousers adorned with various markings which both illuminate, and are sound reactive, meaning their light intensity changes depending on the volume of sound Chris is exposed to. Additionally, he wears heavy leather and steel lined boots which have consistently proven extremely difficult to remove.


-Version 1.0-

 The first iteration of the Cybernine project, conversion from human to cyborg saw the implementation of various changes and abilities to the overall structure of the organic subject. Outfitted with a metal suit bonded to his flesh on the cellular level, the operation took an extremely long time to complete successfully, extending to an estimated 16 days, 21 hours and 46 minutes counting the overall time spent on the operation by the development team. Once completed however, Chris awoke, concluding that the operation was a complete success and soon began preliminary testing on the functionality of his new form. No immediate faults discovered and all aspects operating as intended, slight struggle with mobility at first, however the suit's built-in servo motors would assist with movement and provide additional physical strength should mobility become an issue for the subject. From head to toe, Chris was provided with two ocular visors for eyes with a primitive head-up display, allowing him to both see, and take advantage of several basic functions designed to assist with targeting, location and navigation when on the move. Included with the ocular visors are metal shutters which function as eyelids, allowing for the expression of emotion and allowing the subject to sleep if needed. Further down the body, Chris retains much of his previous physical form with compensations to account for health, additionally retaining identical human limb functions with some added features including sharp claws on each finger, and black silicon padding on each foot, making them a hybrid of plantigrade foot and canine paw. As the subject would no longer perspire, sweat and odour would cease to be an issue. Chris was outfitted with clothing of choice, namely a hoodie, trousers and heavy boots with electric blue sound reactive markings which would light up with varying intensity depending on the source volume subject is exposed to. Other notable features of the subject include ears which function similarly to microphones, connected directly to Chris and allowing him the sense of normal hearing, and providing a means to ensure the suit is supplied with a constant source of power to keep it operational. The suit is provided with a limited power supply estimated to last 24 hours before needing to recharge, with the option to manually recharge the suit via the USB cables connected to the subject's sleeves. The hoodie is affixed to the subject to accomodate this. Should suit power expire, the subject will experience total sensory and mobility shutdown, no longer able to see, hear, feel, taste, smell, speak, or move, thus it is important to ensure sufficient power is always provided to the suit. Several warnings will be issued to Chris via the head-up display in his ocular visors should this become a problem, plus the constant exposure to environmental sound should ensure there is always at least some sound source for the suit to utilise and store power. Due to his organic internal structure, Chris is required to adhere to his previously normal human drinking and eating habits.


-Version 1.6-

 This revision saw design and functional improvements to the previous iteration of the Cybernine project, with subtle aesthetic adjustments to accompany the practical changes implemented into this build for Chris. Most notable of the aesthetic changes to subject's appearance include the alteration of the markings on his suit, now designed with an additional hexagonal row of markings over the top of his hood, as well as two circular markings on each cheek with connect directly to an array of larger markings now present on the back of his hoodie. While retaining the same electric blue colour, these markings - especially the ones present on his back - now account for an improvement in the overall functionality of Cybernine, most prominently the implemented ability to attach custom specified and built accessory modules to his back. The scope of compatible accessory modules is dependent upon what his development team has created for him, being tasked to experiment with, and report on the functionality of these accessory modules in return for their fabrication. Some of the accessory modules already developed and fabricated include - but are not limited to - an oxygen tank module designed for use in environments wherein there is an absence of breathable air, such as underwater or in the presence of toxic gasses. A neon wing module has been created to allow for long distance gliding and limited flight by Chris, particularly useful in getaway situations. An ammunition module allows for the carrying of an extensive ammo repository to be used with any weapon of choice, provided the weapon is at most able to be carried using two hands. The overall design of the Cybernine subject has been reviewed and improved to close up any gaps in the electrical components, meaning the suit waterproofing has been improved and is now applicable for underwater use. Minor adjustments have been made to improve the reliability of Cybernine against wear and electrical malfunction, particularly through a firmware update which has allowed for compatibility with all the new features, as well as provide additional functions available to the subject's HUD. Further to this, a neurological BIOS has been installed and implanted into the subject's brain, completely isolating and protecting his mind from the effects of psychological and memetic influence. Perhaps most notably is the implementation of the subject's ability to utilise the available power stored in his body and deploy it as a weapon, primarily through the ability to release large bursts of the stored energy in the form of powerful shockwaves which would be considered highly dangerous and indefinitely fatal to small organic life forms, including but not limited to humans. The suit has been reconfigured to use compensators designed to absorb the energy kickback when firing shockwaves, as determined by Newton's 3rd law of motion, so instead of causing harm to Cybernine, the energy is returned to the suit to be reused as power, improving the power efficiency of the suit somewhat, especially when considering that this ability drains power directly from the suit.


-Version 2.0-

 Revision 2.0 is largely considered by the development team to be an accidental revision of the Cybernine project, following an expedition that went disastrously wrong when Chris was tasked to take a dive in the north atlantic as both a field test for his newly developed oxygen module, and an operation to retrieve an illusive anomalous artefact that was found to be causing disturbances in the atlantic ocean. The artefact came to be known as the Red Star and was thought unrecoverable by many who crossed its path, namely due to its nature to cause all electronics in its effective range to immediately fail and stop functioning, as well as create an eerie purple mist that would form over the surface of the water within its effective range, making its location challenging to pinpoint. The scope of the effects however seemed only to radiate up and outwards, meaning Chris would have to approach from below to get anywhere close to it. Due to its effective range, Chris spent an extensive period of time approaching it from below the water's surface, however once he did finally manage to discover and home in on its location, upon contact with the Red Star, Chris experienced a rapid and severe energy exchange from the Red Star's production of anti-energy, violently shaking and convulsing his body with energy overload until the force of the transmission would cause his entire left arm to be blown off, as well as drain his suit completely of power. Chris would proceed to spend the next several hours lying unconscious on the ocean floor while his severed arm still gripped the Red Star, fortunately with his oxygen module providing a slow-release valve operated backup to ensure he didn't suffer brain death. With the effects of the Red Star neutralised, the development team was able to approach and recover Chris' body from the ocean, proceeding to spend the next few days attempting to reconstruct the mangled Cybernine. Fortunately, the team were able to restore him back to life, however his interaction with the Red Star had changed his body in drastic ways, most notably that he was now permanently bonded to the Cybernine suit, making reversal of the operation impossible. More beneficially however, the power efficiency of the suit was found to have increased by 1,000%, allowing the suit to last 10 times longer than previously before needing to be recharged. His missing arm has since been replaced, now donning an entirely mechanical left arm provided with superhuman strength, powerful enough to break stone in a single punch. The colour of his suit has since changed also, now appearing as a distinct ultra-violet purple to accompany the biggest change to his body. Cybernine now possesses the ability to create and manipulate plasma in place of creating shockwaves, meaning his main power has changed to being matter-based. Because pure plasma is extremely hot, his development team have created a tungsten and obsidian staff for him to use as a conduit for his plasma abilities.