


4 years, 24 days ago




"We fight, we defend, we look out for one another."

Very briefly describe your character here. This section will not scroll.


  • Meta Info

    • Creator/s Unknown
    • Worth Unknown
    • Designer Unknown
    • World Unknown

    Basic Info

    • Nickname/Title Lord Garnet
    • Relationship Status Taken
    • Gender Male
    • Occupation Lord of the Emerald Defenders
    • Religion Etheralism
    • Handedness Right handed
    • Age Twenty Three
    • Species Corundus


    As a Corundus, Garnet has dark red skin and a black, red and orange, which is able to fan out. This aids them in fending off enemies, aerial manoevering and attracting the attention of possible mates. He has large dragon-like wings, which are black and red. Spikes go all the way down his spine and tail, a feature only the men of their species tend to have. His eyes are a bright green, where the pupil is slit like a cats. Another common feature of being a Corundus is his long black claws and frill-like ears that match his tail. Attached to his forehead is a sets of sturdy horns. He also has black hair often hidden beneath his red helmet. His body is covered in armour, which is multiple shades of red and orange, with hints of green and gold. This armour covers almost his entire body except a portion of his arms. It goes, however, cover his shoulders, as well as form gauntlants around his wrists.


    • BUILD Strong/Well built

    • FOOD Beef
    • COLOUR Black
    • ANIMAL Bear
    • SETTING The mines
    • WEATHER Raining
    • DRINK Mineral rich water
    • NUMBER Fifty Three
    • GENRE Thriller
    • ACTIVITY Stone carving
    • TIME OF DAY Late at night


    • Unity
    • The dark
    • The strong


    • Bright lights
    • Outsiders
    • Terror Wolves/Being attacked


    • Hunting
    • Mining
    • Stone carving

    Garnet is the Lord of the Emerald Defenders. As such, he has a lot of responsibilities, the entire Corundus hive’s lives weighing on his shoulders. As leader, Garnet mostly fears trusting the wrong people, as the people of this world cannot always be trusted, which could result in lives lost. He is known for being an incredibly strong warrior with a heart of cold hard steel. It is like nothing phases him anymore, but his powerful demeanour and overly strict behaviour is what kept him and the colony alive for so long. He will not tolerate fights among his people, since teamwork is of the utmost importance on a world so dangerous. Garnet will always put his people before anyone else, even another Corundus hive. He hates outsiders, no matter who they may be. To him, those outside of the colony are threats and he will treat them as such, even if they are in desperate need of help.


    • Quick reflexes
    • Good leadership skills
    • Strong mentally and physically


    • Overly strict
    • Harsh sunlight
    • The mineral, Matrixium


    Growing up in a dangerous, primal world, Garnet has one main goal as the Lord of the Emerald Defenders. That goal is to defend and protect his family, his hive, from the harsh world they live in and fight off the Terror Wolves that try to attack them. As a Corundus, he wishes to get stronger in order to better protect his people. He also aspires to build them all an ideal structure where they would all be safe and not have to fear being attacked at any moment.


    • Outsiders
    • Fights among his people


    • Makes himself appear bigger by standing tall and having his wings spread out slightly
    • Tends to take things the wrong way/jump to conclusions


    • WAY OF SPEAKING Cold and authoritative
    • COMMON STARTER “Listen up!”
    • SWEARS? N/A
    • QUIRKS Communicates mostly through vibrations/body language
  • Species

    [ Corundus ] These beings are an ancient species, having been around since the dawn of time. They are cave dwellers, living in the darkest, most advanced tunnel system of their own design. Due to their eyes being sensitive to light, they remain underground until night, where they rise and hunt as one. They are born soldiers, built to survive the harsh lands of Aradia. They never leave their own behind and have a secret language or code that none could learn. They are like a close family, being able to know what each other is thinking and can understand each others signals and vibrations they make. They are naturally tall and strong in build. It is customary for their species to be named after jewels or stones, as their kind relate strongly to minerals, even in their looks. They wear a special kind of armour, that is created by their own body. It can resemble any kind of material, but it is categorized under one name, the Adenamium. They are able to move it to any part of them they wish, as well as get rid of it entirely. It takes a moment for them to switch between armour and no armour, however, and they cannot cover the area between their eyes or under their chin, giving them a weak point. The only one who can fully protect themselves from any attack is their lord. Their armour limits them in many ways. Without it, they are incredibly fast, and fantastic fliers. They have giant dragon like wings and tails that fan out to help them turn. While in the air, they are able to teleport by twirling and warping the space around then. They are also good swimmers. With armour, they would fall from the sky or sink to the bottom of the ocean. They can hold their breath for longer than the average person, but can still drown. They can also turn invisible, but any sort of clothing would still show up, therefore, they have to wear their armour instead, since it’s a part of them. Their eyes cannot turn invisible either, since it would make them blind. To completely blend in, they have to close their eyes, yet, if they move, their reflection of where they stand can be seen, so they have to be wary. They also have very good senses, able to feel even the slightest vibration in the ground. They can sense oncoming natural disasters, and with their frill like ears, can pick up sounds from miles away. These species also hold a secret, a cure to all. The only thing it doesn't heal is themselves. It flows through their veins, activated by their saliva, which also has paralyzing properties, but this cure of theirs comes with consequences when the wrong person takes it. It is deep within their eyes, that they can see if someone is destined to live. If they are not, the cure will heal that person but kill in order to restore balance. This is why, these creatures protect this cure with their lives and would rather sacrifice themselves in order to do so. It is their duty and has always been. They can scale mountains with ease, much like a spider does, but cannot wear gloves or shoes in order to do so. They also have claws, which they can make longer at will. As a form of attack, they stomp at the ground, creating pillars of rocks to come forth. Diamond and other minerals are formed wherever they walk, yet if they focus, they can prevent it. They are good at hiding their tracks when they want to disappear, and they have a severe reaction to a material only found on Aradia. It’s called Matrixium, and is silver in colour. If they touch it, it burns through their near indestructible armour and skin like acid. If ingested or breathed in, it will likely kill them, acting like poison. Their Lord is the only one with the power to see into the future. He is tasked with keeping his hive in check, for without him, the group would fall apart. It is up to him to be aware of coming dangers, to guide them through battles, and to see an attack before it is upon them. He can also stomp at the ground to get the attention of his people, in which they formerly salute him or bow. They have keen senses, and with it, they can smell fear. While they may seem unbeatable, they actually have an enemy, which hunts them for food. This species is one they have to be extra careful off, and that is the Terror Wolves.


    As the lord of his group, Garnet is blessed with the power to see into the future. He is tasked with keeping his hive in check and being aware of any attacks that may come their way, so this ability is to ensure he does his job as best he can. As a Corundus, he was also born with heightened senses and a strong, mineral-like armour, similar to garnet, which is created by his body and can shift to cover any exposed areas. He can also get rid of it, which has its own advantages. Without it, he is incredibly fast, as well as a fantastic flyer. He is also a rather good swimmer, able to hold his breath longer than the average person and can teleport while in the air. Garnet can turn invisible, and his blood has the ability to heal others when mixed with his saliva. This cure, however, can have repercussions if the wrong person uses it, ending with the death of a random passerby. He can also scale mountains with ease and can create pillars of rocks by stomping at the ground. As a predator species, he is known to be good at hiding his tracks, as well as hunting.

  • History

    Garnet was born into this harsh world as the oldest child of the Emerald Defenders Lord and Lady. Living with his five younger sisters, he wanted nothing more but to grow up and be strong enough to protect them, just like his parents, the ones he admired most. They were powerful and good at everything they did. While they were very strict with their children, they just wanted them to be prepared for the outside world. As the oldest among his siblings, Garnet was to take over the hive once his parents died. His time came when he reached nineteen, as a mining accident took his parents away from them, along with many members of their hive. Just a couple weeks later, they were attacked by a group of Terror Wolves. During this vulnerable time in their lives, they lost many more of their people, including three of his sisters. Garnet took this hard, but with his co-leader and girlfriend there to support him, he was able to become a strong leader. Now, as the Lord of the Emerald Defenders, he works towards fortifying their forces and structures.

    Birthplace/Current Residence

    For his entire life, Garnet has lived in the Fort of the Emerald Defenders. This construction is built for defence rather than comfort. Their people are crammed into small rooms or stationed at posts, keeping watch for possible attacks. The walls of this building are strong, able to withstand any possible attacks, yet the one downside is that if they had to retreat, it would prove difficult, as the structure is wedged into a corner within the rocks. The only way out is forward, so if they were to get outnumbered and cornered, their people would be at great risk. Due to this, their Lord, Garnet and his co-leader, Citrine, take no chances. They are cautious and ruthless, leaving nothing to chance. If attacks happen, they fight back as fast and hard as they can.

  • Ancestry

    • Garnet comes from a long line of powerful Corundus
    • Leadership runs in his blood, as his parents and ancestors before them were all Emerald Defender leaders
    • Not everyone in their hive agreed, however, so his ancestors had to be strong enough to fight off anyone who challenged them


    • The plans to the labyrinth, as well as what each passage holds is a secret only their people hold, in order to keep them all safe from outsiders
    • The flaws to their design and how dangerous a big and calculated attack could really be. Garnet and Citrine know the truth but try not to worry the team


    • Garnet is the Lord of the Emerald Defenders, one of three Corundus hives
    • As a Corundus, Garnet communicates mostly through vibrations in the ground
    • The Emerald Defenders are the most ruthless of the Corundus hives on Aradia