


7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info








Shin is quiet and kept to self person he doesn't mind noises that other make when they visit his home/shop. rarely makes friends but very chill and seems to makes friends quite easily over a short period of time. He's not much of a talker so he tries to avoid doing most of time if he can. he respond back in small comment or flat tone responses. He loves baking and trading things for the souls he collects(ones that are just lost soul that can't be sorted) from work.






Shin very chill but stern at the same time, very honest on almost everything. plans ahead of things cause why would you not. never know what could change.Shin doesn't have any mental problems, that can hinder him form doing anything, other than maybe getting lonely from time to time living in the runes or visiting town that a 2 to 4 mile walk. He dose have feelings, but shows them in a different way. they can be very subtle.


5'8 ½






Meaning behind the bells ---  the bells draw in soul that are called "drifts". they're only there to make his job easir than having to go out an hunt them an sort them out for which ones go to hell and which ones go to heaven . he gets the keep the extra drifts in a jar in his home with no purpose. just too many souls in out could make things worse so he's been warned when first got this job years ago.
Job-- He collets Souls of the damed/undamed /(Shin's is a Soul collector or sorts.This his job and he keeps the ones that don't get sorted , and gets to do whatever he pleases with them. A few get stuck in jars and some get sold/trade for other things to fill his room with.)
He still gets "customers" from far and wide looking for him. . . what he dose is collet souls and he dose postions that can cure or kill someone.


Back Story -
Where he's been liven for 2000 years --
Likes -- 
Magical Articafts
Jars of differnt kinds
red meat
spell books
teeth/claws from animals from different sizes (huge ones make fluts)
sweets on rare occasions
Dislikes --
speaking a lot
pink . . .
burnt food
fat on food
repeting himself
fur -- makes him ichy
Milk/Dark Chocolate



Tyrian (Friend)

 is a merchant, yet he has a mysterious side to him that no one really knows, nor cares about. He would be interested in who Shinigami He collects weird and valuable things, which in turn may have to do with the gods, supernatural, extraterrestrial.

 Helena (Friend)

they met by chase of just trading a few souls for a tapestries & few magicial artifacts. after that they just went from being his customer to become a great friend in his life.

Lucida (Firend)

Takes visit to Shin's Runes to attain soul for his artifacts that he owns. and also dose a few trading, chatting, and more when he comes by too see shin.


 Nicolas Odo (Friend)



Baron (enemy)

Baron Sours Shin's mood everytime he sees him come into the shop.Its because he miss treated his Friend Nic and fooled him, but he didn't remeber all the details. It didn't sit right, Shin may sometimes try to use one of his curse artifacts he gotten from Helena to bring Harm towards Baron, or even give him a damned soul of hell that will harm him mentaly a bit . . . never know he can go on for days thining of ways to mess with Baron Psyicaly and mentaly.


Luthair (Friend)

Petty Prince Luthair  would piss Shin off at times with his rudeness, but they'd still care for each other a lot. Like trying to auto-correct Shin on ver thing , trying to out smart Shin on his Job (stating facks about on a few things ), or what ever he could possiably come up with . . but with all that aside he still cares for Shin to know when to not push all of his buttons.

Osiris (Adopted Kit)

Even though he's a little brat to Shin, its only cause he new to someone loving him ,and taking the time too actually adopt him out of the orphange. He follows Shin around like a lost puppy , an want to see what he dose on daily basic. All Shin hopes is for Ositis it to trust and to love him back, starting these new many chapter/ and spendng time together will help them. And for Ositis to grow a lot in care of Shin. (W.i.p)


Hanbin (Friend)



Lafayette (Friend)



Soul (?)
