


3 years, 10 months ago


everyone's favorite little brother
literally the baby of the group at 18
if you mess with Paku the whole Syndicate will be after your head. Paku is just a little sweetheart,,,,,

honestly doesnt mind whatever pronouns ppl use but Paku does have a preference towards 'he'

Paku can't really speak (though his hearing and vision are just fine). he can make vague noises at most to agree or disagree with whatever situation is at hand, but he will be signing with his hands 100% of the time
it was mandatory for everyone in his unit to learn how to speak it so he communicates with everyone no problem!

Malek is particularly protective of them, perhaps because they are the youngest next to Jiri? Perhaps because it takes a little bit more time for him to listen and read peoples lips to process whats going on? but regardless everyone treats him like family, so he's never felt left out or out of place

His Relationships with the Syndicate

He meshes well with:-
1. Malek
2. Osirus
3. Ruthie
4. Silas
5. Cassius
6. Jiri
7. Yenma
8. Sigma
9. Remiel
(and in that order!)
(click the spoiler for further details)

Malek - he's just the best! his bestest friend. always orders for him when they go out to eat and is more than happy to explain and translate to others how Paku is feeling if he's too tired to quickly sign. Malek is just that good at reading him. if Paku is around, Malek is sure to be somewhre nearby

Osirus - sees him as a cool older brother type and is really happy to have his attention! Osirus loves to share advice with him and Malek, and he brings them along on missions to show them what's what. Paku loves those times out together!

Ruthie - Thi is just the best! Is always really happy to discuss books over tea with him. Thi is always super patient with him signing his thoughts, or doesnt mind when he decides to write his words down on paper to communicate instead

Silas - while sign language was mandatory for his unit to use, Silas was practically as fluent in it as him, and sometimes Silas will sit down and teach him words. Paku imagines that Silas would be a good teacher if he did not work in The Syndicate. Just the best!

Cassius - Casi is also the best! They have tea together as well, and Casi is really content to just sit in silence with him over a nice bit of lunch. Casi is a bit of an oddball, and thats a lot coming from Paku, but Paku likes that he never forces anything out of him.

Jiri - Jiri is pretty cool! When she is in the mood she helps him tend to his hair and fashion. Her, Paku and Malek will occasionally go on excursions outside of work to feel normal

Yenma - Yenma is a little too loud for his senses sometimes but he appreciates her from a distance! She is always kind to Paku and brings Paku treats from her missions

Sigma - Sigma is such a cool admirable leader! they just arent the closest but he likes that Sigma will entertain his stories every now and then

Remiel - Remiel is a very bad influence on dear Paku. its not that they hate each other but Remiel is very good at influencing his very impressionable mind. these two cant stay together longer bcuz its kinda chaos

tiny little facts about Paku:-

-has a small habit of talking in 3rd person sometimes

-is the only son of a rich nobleman

-his dads were very helicopter-y so he isn't as socially aware as he could be

-Paku is really smart though and has a high IQ, when he's able to focus he can get a lot done

-will often say "____ is the best!" in regards to something he loves. cake, people, weather etc