


4 years, 12 days ago



Brenda • Adria • Callan

Queen of the Flames
December 13
Key Words:
Flirty, Ruthless, Smart, Dauntless, Intimidating, Wild, Cunning

“I’m here looking for trouble and, if I don’t find it, I’ll create it.”

Sparky is simultaneously the coldest and warmest person you’ll ever meet (and warm isn’t just in reference to her fire powers). She has a tough outer layer, a dense coat of makeup with a painted ruby-red smile, that’s so thick over her heart that the organ is probably just about suffocating. Her shining achievement is her ability to flirt her way into possession of either items or information, sugar-sweet talk falling effortlessly from her mouth. The flirty persona is an attitude she adopted as a both as an offensive and defensive mechanism: her flirtatiousness protects her from forming real connections with anyone, while simultaneously garnering her enough attention to keep her under-the-table business in order. She has a tendency toward flamboyance and theatrical entrances and actions, choosing to approach problems a certain way in order to leave a particular impression upon someone.

Talents include keeping everyone at arm’s length, expecting the absolute worst of everyone, and entirely denying the existence of her true emotions. The years she spent growing up on the streets (as it was that or staying home with her every-way-possible abusive mother) hardened her into the cynical, snappish, and sarcastic person she is. Eve is the only person who knows her for her true self, who knows Sparky’s unwavering loyalty and willingness to sacrifice herself for the person (or people) she genuinely cares for.




Under her wild and uncontrollable devil-may-care smirk hides a very young, lost girl. She’s carried years of emotional damage with her, tucked into matching travel bags that of course coordinate with her boots. Occasionally, when she thinks no one is looking, Sparky can be caught staring off into the distance with one hand on her necklace, toying with the orange half-star dangling from the chain. Her expression often looks utterly calm as she does this, though really she is reliving various memories from her childhood, most of which weren’t pleasant.

She’s become something of the town floozy, or one of many women considered easy, and has such taught herself to not value herself very highly. What men wanted from her, they could just as easily get elsewhere; she had nothing of particular value to offer anyone. The prostitution work requires little effort on her part though the title is entirely misleading: she’s never slept with anyone outside of her very first love, the one who drove her to change herself into the mask she now wears. His words from that night are imprinted on her heart, the very last thing she’d ever allowed to touch it: “I was only with you because no one else had been, you foolish girl. I knew what I could get and, now that I’ve gotten it, I’ll be on my way.” In a way, her devoting herself to this line of work is something of a revenge on the man who promised her forever.

Just as his promise had been empty, her unspoken promises of pleasing the men in that fashion are empty. She liquors them up enough and gives them enough attention for them to, when they awaken with no recollection of the night before, make the most obvious jump from the kisses she gives to the outcome of the hotel room. Sometimes she stays to make sure her chosen company doesn’t drown in his own vomit, depending on how he’s treated her during the night, but she and her payment are always gone in the morning before they regain consciousness.

She truthfully holds no grudges toward Eve for the actions of her father, not resenting the younger woman for being raised the way that Sparky herself should have been. In fact, Sparky took an interest in her younger sister a very long time ago; that was what had prompted her to originally secure a job at the palace, in an effort to keep an eye on Eve. From what she had seen, her sister was the blossoming flower she could only hope to be: brimming with kindness and quiet intelligence, driven by a desire for honesty and fairness, and almost criminally precious with her shorter stature and large blue eyes, Eve was the poster child for princesses.


  • “Phew, close call, there. Almost felt something.”
  • “I tried the whole loyal to one man thing. Let’s say that didn’t work out.”
  • “Can we skip this feelsy stuff? It’s really bad for my sour outlook on life.”
  • “Put a smile on, beautiful. Pick up your head, straighten your crown, and never give anyone the power to make you cry.”



Fun-size [ Mine ]

"Martha used to tell me something I always thought was silly, stupid...and I ignored her because I thought it was a ridiculous lie from a rather nutty old woman who had been around too long for her to remember how things really worked. ...she used to say everyone got one miracle, one good thing,, you're mine."


Evie [ Baby Queen ]

“You might really want to reconsider insinuating what I know you are in reference to my little sister."


Ems [ Best Friend ]

"I better not have to kick someone to pieces for looking at you wrong. I'll do it, no hesitation."


Bren [ Mini-Me ]

“You are always, always, going to be my little boy. Even if you're taller than me, even if you're embarrassed by me, doesn't matter. You can outgrow a lot of things, but you can't outgrow your mom's love.”


Gwenny [ Troublemaker ]

"One of you two had to take after your father...I should've known it would be you: the cookie heists were a dead giveaway, looking back. I expect you to be every bit as careful; I wouldn't want to have to kill you if you didn't come home."

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